I wanted to write this after seeing all the people who hav regretted on their purchase. first of all I wanted to tell all the people, is about the sale of big tv kits. the sales are skyrocketing around 200-300 kits are being sold only in hyd itself and the installtions teams are only bout 10 -15(each team installs about 5-6 kits/day) and which means there is no adequate man power. but still.
I strongly recommend to wait as after seeing the picture quality and sound you yourself will come to know tht the waiting has paid off. tata sky, dish and other DTH stands no where in the scenario interms of quality. I swear there is no pixalisation problem and even in rain there is problem free viewing, which I think is the biggest achivment by the reliance and which no DTH operator poses.
and regarding calling the customer care (tis is solely my feeling) I think tht calling from a airtel postpaid connection will get u to CC faster...coz I hav tried calling frm bsnl, airtel prepaid and idea but in vain..but u can get connected from airtel postpaid very faster jus with in 2 -3 tries.and the best time to call wud be after 11.pm and before 8.00 am as u can expect ur call getting connected in the very first try...another reason is tht as the number is toll free it is busy most of the time. the website is down a lot of times due to frequent updation of ther product line.
the procedure to installation...first cal the CC thn request an installation thy give you a work order number. thn the installation ppl call u for a piror appointment. but in case if u dont get the installation team even after the work order no is given jus call CC 1s again thn thy give u a complaint number and dats it ull get a call for sure......but ppl shld hav some patience regarding the installation as there is a big shortage of man power.
and lastly there is a forum which I find very helpful more helpful than the customer care of big tv as u can post all u r problems there and believe me the reply is jus a couple of minutes away..the address