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Member Since:Aug 31, 2008
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For all the people having problems with big tv
Reviewed Big TV
I wanted to write this after seeing all the people who hav regretted on their purchase. first of all I wanted to tell all the people, is about the sale of bigRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on just.aman1106's review
Commented on just.aman1106's review
tht was completly my point of view.....i was very much happy with my big tv and wrote down my experience and my knowledge....i need not give any explanation to every tom dick and harry.....so in the same way u hav ur own experience and u cannot jus force it on anybody.....jus because ur facing all t Read More...
Commented on own review
hey dude dont worry.....i am a member myself der.....pls do check and only thn post ur comments...better beware before u comment...!!! BTW i am employe working for amazon and not reliance...
Rated on rajuramesh's review
hey pls visit this site all of the problems u have stated have been discussed there....http://www.saveondish.com/forum/index.php
Rated on hemanthg's review
for hemanthg ..yes heamanth i understand every company hav their own set of problems.....and we r the victims...lets hope for the best...
for amitndeo....actually its the other way round it not tht thy do not hav enough man power but thy did not expect their sale to touch the peak at such a short period.....and i too did not get a dream tht i shld b calling frm a airtel postpaid....i jus wrote wht i hav experienced as i was also a try Read More...
Rated on alankaar's review
we r unnecessarily getting into a spat...i do agree about the problems about the CC but at the same time i don want the ppl who bought the bigtv to get disheartned....thts it....i did not mean to offend anyone.
its like u stnding by the tatasky and i standing by the bigtv...ders no point in we writing like tis......i jus wanted the ppl to know bout the quality of the pic....i hav nothing to do bout the CC or the installation team or u being in the service industry
and regarding the quality of the picture it is already proved tht none can match bigtv (bigtv mpeg4 and tatasky mpeg2) http://www.saveondish.com/reliance-big-t v-detailed-review/ read this and u’ll come to know wht bigtv is...and i am in no way offending you its jus the quality i wanted to get it Read More...
yes i understand that but bigtv is a company which is jus days old not even a month completed and further the problem is only till the installation is completed and after tht u can feel as if ur the king...with so much in ur hand..and for tht purpose only i hav mentioned the cons as short of install Read More...
Commented on devcr01's review
hey dont get dissappointed....even i am waiting for installation since past 48 hrs...actually the demand of bigtv is very high but there is no adequate man power......u wont regret after seeing the quality of the picture and sound tatasky,dish and sundirect stand nowhere near the competetion interms Read More...
Commented on ganeshrvgk's review
hey dont get dissappointed....even i am waiting for installation since past 48 hrs...actually the demand of bigtv is very high but there is no adequate man power......u wont regret after seeing the quality of the picture and sound tatasky,dish and sundirect stand nowhere near the competetion i Read More...
and also thers a lot of procedure to be done...first u goota cann the customer care....thn request an installation then thy give u a work order no. even after tht if u not able to get thm thy give u a complaint no. and dats it u'll get it for sure and also the best time to call CC is either after 11 Read More...
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