When the show started, I was a little skeptical about its patronage. I felt the first episode where all the householders entered the house was a littel tacky. Which Arshad Warsie did a decent job, the rest of the elements were somewhat shoddy.
But, after seeing the next episode, I must say that I am glued to the show! I tried to reason with myself as to why, and these are some of the things that come my my mind:
Unscripted Show
of all the things that happen new in the show, the biggest part os that this is an unscripted show. All the participants here speak thier own language in the form they feel best. No other reality show gives you this, if anything atleast the comere has a script to follow. In this case, there is no such thing as a script!
"Who will say what, when, how" is what keeps the excitement alive in this show. While each person watching the show will have a favourite, more often that not, the favourite keeps shifting from one person to another every week (maybe every day!). And that brings in another level of unpredicability. Even for the viewers!
Unscrupulous elements
The show has its share of "politically motivated" people. Kashmira, Rakhi, Carol and even to some extent Roopali have all had their share of influencing either other memebers of the hosue or the audience into swaying their opinions one way or the other. While the audience can often see through this, most often it takes us by surprise to see the flip-flop of personalities! Damn entertaining!
Universal appeal
Somewhere, deep down, each one of us will see someone we can identify with in the show. You will see that you will either hate the show or love it. There is no middle path here. This in itself is a great reflection that the show has touched you somewhere deep. And THAT is what realuty shows should be all about...
These few factors make BiggBoss a little peculiar kind of a show, and thus its success. I would recommend it to every person who has some crazyness still left in the head...!