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Member Since:Dec 04, 2006
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Dental issues? Go to Dentz!
Reviewed Dentzz Dental
I have always been averse to dentists but I had to get some clean up done after many years. I happened to walk into Dentz few months back and was extremely haRead more...
Dance to its tunes!!
Reviewed Nach Baliye 2
There is only one word you can think of when you see the last part of Nach Baliye 2...AWESOME! The entire packaging was just super! Some good points: PerforRead more...
BIG Fm..HUGE on Entertainment!
Reviewed BIG FM 92.7 Mumbai
The latest entry intothe FM clan in Mumbai is BIG FM 92.7. This channel truly lives upto its name! It is huge on the content it provides. It has an attitude Read more...
Short, Simple, Sweet!
Reviewed One Night at the Call Centre - Chetan Bhagat
I have never read Chetan Bahagat before, but he was recommended fro a particular sect of people. Also, I read that this book is going to be made into a movie,Read more...
BiggBoss...Big on entertainment
Reviewed Bigg Boss
When the show started, I was a little skeptical about its patronage. I felt the first episode where all the householders entered the house was a littel tacky.Read more...
WagonR...What a CAR!!!
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
I have been using a WagonR for the last 4 years, and I have to tell you, I am in absolute AWE! In fact I had to move from Hyderabad to Mumbai and had to sell Read more...
The worst experience I have ever had
Reviewed Thrillophilia
I had a very disappointing experience with this travel agency. Although the company has positive reviews and high ratings, I now suspect some of these might bRead more...
Followed DentzzDental
Commented on own review
Felix, I never had that problem with the power steering. Infact, the electronic power sterring is much better that the one in other cars. i suggest you get it checked at an authorised dealer. BTW, I have not driven the latest model of WagonR. My review is based on the 2006 model, which I used till v Read More...
Hi Aniruddh / Chintu, First of all, I do not work with BIG FM or with the media industry at all! Secondly, please see the date when this review was written. This was almost a year ago! At that time, BIG was really different from the lot. I agree with you that over time thier programming h Read More...
Rated on its_aditimathur's review
Rated on prkul's review
Rated on findkhushi's review
Commented on findkhushi's review
While I agree to some extent on what you have to say about the movie, I also would maintain that the movie had a very fresh appeal to the audience. Simple things like the yuppy image of the Saif, the use of animation in a mainstream hindi movie, the fact that the movie is extended over almost a 10 y Read More...
Commented on sivankuttykm's review
This is really sad! And I agree with Vikram. You should try and push for Maruti to replace the car fully! It is disheratening to see people have bad experiences with such a good car! Hopefully your worries will die out when you ride out as a proud owner of fantastic piece of machienary (whether new Read More...
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KamalHindujaAuthor (@KamalHindujaAuthorMouthShut Verified Member)
Manish Singh (@Manish199MouthShut Verified Member)
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BaridGabbi (@BaridGabbiMouthShut Verified Member)
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ayeshar rahman (@ashar007MouthShut Verified Member)
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