Those who have never tasted this lend, let me try to explain it in my own words...
The Smell .. Smells nice, little sweet smell though..
The Taste.. Tasteless!! Well.. almost tasteless, except for a little sweet taste. Taste does not suggest one is having whisky.. Those who drink whisky regularily might not get the point of this blend.
The Aftereffect.. Me and my friend finished the whole bottle with absoluty no change in our consciousness/alertness, and later, had to revert to last days remaining Teachers for sleeping at night.
My regular brand is VAT 69. In absence of it, I normally purchase 100 Pipers/Teachers/ or Teachers 50. That day, I thot of trying something new. Wasted a lot of money!
Perhaps this is just my experience with a bad lot. If someone gets something better out of it, please share.
Although I am almost decided for not buying this brand again Those who are just willing to try new brands, might want to purchase and try this blend.
All the best