Now Nagesh Kukunoor can rest in peace.... He has made what he has been striving hard for since the day he dreamt of making films. Yeah Hyderabad Blues has become a cult film in India & His Ego must have gone beserk at it....but deep inside he knew Both his films werent good enuff for him to REST IN PEACE. Hyderabad Blues & Rockford were technically bad films. But Hyd Blues being a peoneer kinda film the junta lapped it with both hands. But not the 2nd time around. So this time it was make or break for Kukunoor. And he knew it. And he hasnt dissapointed. I saw the 1st day 1st show( A Ritual I have maintained for all the indian english films till date).
Now the film.... Its basically a Satire on how films r made in India. How people who by their intelligence & ability should have been nothing more than a Cobbler, Clerk or something like that are all making Films in Bombay & Hyderabad & getting away with it. And this topic just like Hbad BLUES must be very dear to him. Something close all of us educated film lovers of India. Nagesh was a guy who decided to do something about it. And he has been doing it quite successfully.
The film starts in US of AYE where a failed actor Pat is killing himself with his drinking habits. He has cancer also. His agent introduces him to SuBRAMANIUM (OM PURI) a Indian Film Producer who wants him to be in his next film. Pat has to accept since the only thing he is doing these days is killing himself sooner. What happens after that is complete Chaos. You have to watch the film for it.
The Acting for the first time is excellent in a Nagesh Kukunoor film, the reason being so many proffesional actors. Om Puri needless to say is perfect. He will always confuse you whenever you sit down to decide who is the best Indian Actor ever -Nasseeruddin Shah or Om Puri.
Naveen Nishchol has got a decent role after ages & he has also done it quite well. He is the Star of Indian cinema who is 40+ wears a wig & dances around trees with gals half his age(AMItabh listening?) The lead actress also has acted brilliantly. She is the Smart tinsel town babe who knows how to sleep Thru the film industry to be a success.
The Technical aspects of the film is what impressed me coz thats the only aspect of Kukunoor which has been lacking & was holding back his Brilliant Scripts. This time hes got it right. The cinematography is on par with the Bollywood dudes & the continuity is SMOOTH. He has done some hard work even in the Post Production this time. Scenes the the streets of Hyd in the nite with cars zooming through r examples of that.
The film is funny throughout. Esp so whenever the Shooting of MAUT- THE DEATH is going on. And the Shooting of the Song Sequence by SUBRA is particularly hilarious. I WANT BALLS..... MORE BALLS...hehe
I would recommend every intelligent Indian to watch this film. Go & watch it in the theatres before it dissapears. Only if u watch such films in theatres you will get to watch more such films. Watching it in VCD will not do any good for indian cinema.