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Member Since:Aug 20, 2001
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MUSIC- If you HATE, backstreet boys, N'sync, & all those techno music & boy-girl bands than u became a very interesting person!!! And if u think the people who like such music ought to be dead then u become a KEWL person. Oh & yeah if u think PINK FLOYD is the greatest band on earth then u r on my TRUST LIST....hehe. MOVIES- If u think TARINTINO is GOD ,I'll put u in my trust list. If u think Mark RENTON should be given Knighthood then u r in my trust list. If u think Titanic was the worst hollywood movie of last 10 years then also u r right. If u think hindi films shouldnt have songs then U r quite right. POLITICS- If you vote for congress then u should be sterilised. If u r ashamed of Sonia Gandhi then u r right. If u think Marijuana should be legalised U r Definitely on my list. If u think its illigel more due to political reasons than health reasons U r right. If u think there should be a Porn channel after 11 in the nite u r right. CRICKET- If u think Sachin is a GOD ....big deal...thats a fact!!!! But if u r ashamed of Srinath's attitude & Prasad's pace then u r right. If u think Ganguly is the best captain india has ever seen u r right. If u think indians should also sledge the hell out of oppositions then u r bang on target. If u think Dravid doesnt deserve to be in One Day team then also u r right. RELIGION A sadistic sacred wh0re!!!!! *****************. You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today And then the one day you find ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking And racing around to come up behind you again The sun is the same in the relative way, but you're older And shorter of breath and one day closer to death
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MTV Classics
Reviewed Ten Best English Music Videos
I am doing this review just for the pleasure of recalling all those amazing music videos which were an important part of my growing up in high school & 1st yeRead more...
WAR- No Man's GAIN!!!!
Reviewed No Man's Land
Danis Tanovics No Mans Land won the Best Screenplay award at last years Cannes Film Festival, and OSCAR for the bestRead more...
Calling a BAD FILM a BAD FILM!!!
Reviewed Agnivarsha
I should have trusted my instinct of watching a promo for the 1st time & almost 99% of the time figuring out how the film will be, how much success it will beRead more...
Reviewed Everbody Say's I'm Fine
A film by Rahul Bose had to happen some time. Having acted in most of the Hinglish films except for Nagesh Kukunoor films it was quite inevitable that he donsRead more...
A Thinking Man's FILM
Reviewed Encounter -The Killing
I dont remember having watched so many good Indian films in theatres in a span of 1 week....there was a time when I used to watch 4 indian films in a yeRead more...
ANother Good work from HANSAL MEHTA
Reviewed Chhal
I have been waiting for this movie for quite a while. The reasons being 1) Its a HANSAL MEHTA film. I like the dudes taste & perspective of filmsRead more...
Why u should watch it!
Reviewed Danger - Bollywood
Its been such a long time since I wrote a review here. And it feels good to be back. And what better to review than DANGER the recently released small bRead more...
Our TAX money gone waste
Reviewed Veer Savarkar
I had gone with great expectations for this film esp. after reading MilindDesais review last week. He gave it 5 stars. And he is the biggest film buff iRead more...
MASTI Punjabi Ishtyle..great film!!!
Reviewed Monsoon Wedding
When was the last time you came out of a theater HAPPY??? I dont remember. No I am not saying I havnt seen a good movie in ages. But IRead more...
A COOL movie
Reviewed Get Shorty
I remember watching the promos on Star Movies. It was without any doubt one of the most stylish Promos I have seen on TV.I remember the background groovy musiRead more...
Reviewed L.A Confidential
I had watched L.A.Confidendial in 97 when it was released after a lot of hype about it & wasnt dissapointed by the hype at all. Now for me theres nothing likeRead more...
Welcome to the world of JAY & SILIENT BOB
Reviewed Clerks
You know whats weird about this review??? Its reviewed by someone who hasnt seen the film. Yeah you heard it right...I havnt seen Clerks... then you must be wRead more...
Reviewed Bollywood Calling
Now Nagesh Kukunoor can rest in peace.... He has made what he has been striving hard for since the day he dreamt of making films. Yeah Hyderabad Blues has becRead more...
The Graceless CAptain!!!!
Reviewed Steve Waugh
Before I start writing the review I must give a history of AUSTRALIANS. Australia was kind of a island Jail of England where all the criminals & crooks were Read more...
Reviewed Virendra Sehwag
I am back...though I never went anywhere & kept rating other good reviews ...esp the war of comments in srinivasans review of Ganguly was fun. But I am writinRead more...
Hindi Classics
Reviewed Ten Best Hindi Movies
Well instead of putting together the top 5 in a list Ill try to go about it diff way. Year 1992. I was in school. Till that day I didnt have any favourRead more...
Heavy Metal fantasy
Reviewed Rock Star Movie
Even Before I rented this flick I somehow knew Im gonna be dissapointed & how correct I was. But that doesnt mean I didnt enjoy the film. After all the Read more...
Reviewed Five Best Actresses of Hindi Movies
I had a tough time putting up a list of 5 best actresses as bollywood is a totally HERO oriented industry. Very hardly do one find heroine oriented films.So hRead more...
SPARKS of Brilliance
Reviewed V V S Laxman
IF you thought my dislike for DRAVID Srinath & Prasad was too much then behold!!!! ...I have never hated a cricketer so much in my life as I hated this Read more...
BIZZAIRE...& brilliant!!
Reviewed Magnolia
I watched Magnolia coz it got a lot of hype from the critics all over...And they werent wrong... Theres one word to describe the film ...BIZZAIRE!!!! MRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on mallika's review
hey I like the AAJ KAPOOR from LKLKBK ...that movie rocked too... ********** i just saw ur profile... very interesting...i think u r a cool person. I came to ur profile 'coz u rated one of my reviews yesterday I dont write here since a long time but i always see the profiles of people who ra Read More...
Rated on mallika's review
Rated on diver's review
Rated on lilwitch's review
Commented on Bhavna's review
Atlast someone honestly accepting that they had a blast watching BOOM... Yeah I accept if u ask me about loopholes in the plot & logic & stuff i cnt defend it... but then we happily accept all those vulgar david dhawan products just 'coz they r govinda films? what kinda mindset is that? Read More...
Rated on Bhavna's review
Commented on varsha57's review
Megadeth & SEP.... a rare babe u must be... But i also think u r a friend of Demonic Gang...or r u the babe who plays the keyboard for them? Anyways nice to see a babe tripping on heavy metal...though i have kinda grown outta it these days...gotten more into Alternative & Trance....not t Read More...
Rated on varsha57's review
Commented on chinu's review
Havnt u seen the film....the only film to have bettered a book in my opinion....i have experienced both ]cheers
Rated on chinu's review
Commented on pixie's review
couldnt have agreed more....though the grudges about the saans bahu stuff isnt anything new....any average IQ guy should abhor them...i couldnt agree more with u on that BOOGIE WOOGIE thing....we seem to think alike...i cannot imagine how parents let their 'cute' kids dress up in those atrocious dre Read More...
Rated on pixie's review
Rated on mskmsk100's review
Rated on spiralarchitect's review
Rated on Maverick14's review
Rated on saaz_ar's review
Commented on muni's review
nice article dood! Something different ... something fresh.... keep on writing more such stuff cheers
Rated on muni's review
Commented on FullSteamAhead's review
but u should have written something about the albums...just the fact that they r best sellers is the last reason to reccomend these jewels to others... cheers
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