I would not recommend installing Bonzi Buddy as the first opinion.
Bonzi Buddy, even though its a cute little program, doing lot of cute little, rephrase, cool things, it does more harm to you than the amount of entertainment it brings in.
Whats So Bad?? :o
Well !! If youve spent some time online or know little about Internet and the different ways you can get attacked from there, you might have heard about something called Spyware. Bonzi Buddy is a Spyware in the hiding, so its not good.
Whats the Big Deal about a SpyWare Anyway ??
A Spyware runs on your machine, collects random data from your machine and sends them back to designated Internet Based databases meant to build customer data. The problem is, you never know what kinda information these softwares are sending and what do they intend to do with that. Lemme list few of the things that can happen,
Your Mail id gets listed on Spamming Lists.
Your Credit Card data is stolen and used elsewhere. (rarely though)
You receive unsolicited mails (both e-mail & normal mail) suggesting you something you never asked for.
POP Up Random Advertisement Windows on your machine.
Gosh !! How do I check if I already have some Spyware running on my Machine??
You could try reading this small thing I had written about a tool that keeps the bad guys, out of your machine.
Ok fine, But I still want Bonzi Buddy. How ??
:-), even I had installed Bonzi Buddy for fun. The little Gorilla was a real cute thing. But to get the full version you need to pay :-(
The Free Version has very limited content (Jokes / Songs ;-) and functionalities.
Download from here,
Some More Sites Talking About BonziBuddy as a Spyware