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Member Since:Jan 14, 2003
0 MS Points
Well, I'm an Electronics Engineer doing a IT Job in Dubai. Worked in Bangalore before and recently Moved to Dubai. Been considered as strong consumer activist back in Bangalore office ;-), so you can imagine why I'm here. My, Geek Code Version: 3.12 GCM/FA/IT dpu s+:+ a- C++ UL> P+++> L+> E? W++ N++ o? K-? w++$> O M> V? PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP> t 5? X++ R tv b+ DI++ D G++ e++ h-- r- !y+. I guess I'm interested in the finer things in life. Self proclaimed Geek, but still take great interest in fine arts too. Few of things I spend my time with would be like the following, * Photography * Fine Arts * Travelling * Coin Collection * Music * Movies & ofcurse Internet and other IT Related things.
About Me
Education: B.E.
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Apnaloan Apun Ke Liye Nahi !!
Reviewed Apnaloan
Hi Folks, Its been a long time (almost a yr and half) since I had burnt my hands with doing some transaction using ApnaLoan. I used to follow this siteRead more...
Use Citibank, Only in Bangalore
Reviewed Citibank
Use Citibank, Only in Bangalore Namma Bangaloor is favored with Citibank’s best operation. Yeah, thats where Citibank operates the best. MatterRead more...
Install Bonzi Buddy, AT YOUR OWN RISK
Reviewed Bonzi Buddy
YES I would not recommend installing Bonzi Buddy as the first opinion. Why Bonzi Buddy, even though its a cute little program, doing lot of cute littRead more...
Write a Profile to Better Express Yourself
Reviewed Effective MouthShut Profile Page
Yeah !! thats a pretty important thing. In a cyber world where we hardly ever get to meet / talk to each other. How does another human being gets to knRead more...
Good Time Pass, Comedy is Nice
Reviewed Hungama - Bollywood
He has done it again !! Yeah, Priyadarshan has made another fun filled (not so non stop nonsense) Movie. The first one Hera Pheri wasRead more...
Very Good Free POP Account
Reviewed HotPOP
Guess why I even bothered to use a POP Account. Im not used to checking my mails online unless forced to. I use a Laptop and most of the time use OutlooRead more...
A Must Have If You are into Random Download &
Reviewed Ad-Aware 6.0
Lately with more time on the Net and too many clicks we do online, our machines are falling prey to the newest Marketing Strategy. Spyware !! These are many dRead more...
Awesome Portal for ''Downloads''
Reviewed Download
Hmm.. So you ran into www.download.com yet ? If not make a quick visit. Interestingly, we all talk about ISPs Bandwidth, Speed etc etc.. guess why, Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on sameerpawar's review
Commented on sureshmehcnit's review
Guess how I landed with this review. I was outraged with another review written by Taran Adarsh on IndiaFm and was trying to find online, if anyone else felt the way I did and there you go. The good self you have already documented the trash he writes. I hate to Internet Content being censored, but Read More...
Commented on own review
Even I had been using Spybot S&D for a while now. They definitely have a much wider approach to catching Spywares. In recent days, they have come up with Enterprise Versions.. which are very suitable for large scale office environment deployment. When this review was written, Ad-Ware was more Read More...
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Followed ashford
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Commented on karana23's review
Wondering, how could someone disagree with any one of those songs listed ? Well, in short, only one among all those song sounds very good in it's first part, if you go beyond that, it's all controversy. Did that ring any bell ?? Didn't ?? well I'm not surprised. I'm talking about the song 'Sare Ja Read More...
Commented on vineetgandhi's review
Hey Vineet, That was a near perfect review on Adreno, guess how I know. Even I had one ;-), but with all options. So I thought I'll confirm the fact that, even Electric Start & Disk Brake also worked superb. Matter of fact, the rear drum break also was quite good. Just because I had to le Read More...
Followed vineetgandhi , mariner2 , vadakkus
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Heart Broker (@03214594697mrMouthShut Verified Member)
Vishal Bhat (@bhatvishal100MouthShut Verified Member)
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chelsie (@Gajra_Hans228MouthShut Verified Member)
Hasid (@HasidMouthShut Verified Member)
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Riyaz Ansari (@riyazmo602MouthShut Verified Member)
Arvind Gupta (@Arvind1961MouthShut Verified Member)
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Dr Harish Gadwal (@harish191MouthShut Verified Member)
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