We bought our Bosch Dishwasher(SMS40M52EU) in Nov-11 after having enough with haughty and truant maids. Weve had a wonderful experience right from delivery and installation and daily use. Its very easy to use and as other users have experienced, it really can clean kadais, pans etc.
Weve now know the optimum place settings which will give the best results. In fact, we are able to clean all the vessels we use in one go after dinner. Whats more, the new maid is also happy that she does not have to do the vessels anymore.
My wife discovered Fortune(an Indian manufacturer of dishwashing system) - detergent, salt and rinse aid which is half the price of Finish system. https://brandfortune.net/index.html you can purchase the system online on ebay
Id strongly recommend this product to others whore looking to ease their house work load. Now the new line would be. Jo biwi se kare pyaar woh Bosh Bai se kaise kare inkaar!
PS: Some plastic vessels(esp lids of boxes) are not dishwasher safe and lose their shape. So please check before placing plastics in the dishwasher.