If you are a Woman in TN please join the Womans organisation that are protesting the playing of this film. I dont think it is going to have much effect though. The director of this film is a very close associate of Jayalalitha. Interestingly the makers of this film could not get through the censor board in Tamil Nadu. By law this film can be banned. But Jayalalitha is the law in Tamil Nadu. So I guess it is going to run anyways.
Now why all the fuss? Well ok here is a brief outline of the film. As the name indicates the film Boys is about a group of Boys. They are college going cool guys and form their own band. All of them are crazy about girls and one of them falls in love with a girl and in the process of courting and winning her all the boys grow up. The supposed moral of the story is supposed to be that Parents should let Boys be Boys and they will grow up on their own.
According to the director a Boy can do anyhting he wants to - fondle womans breasts, touch their behinds, open his zip and display his .... to woman passers by, hire a prostitute, speak about the womans private parts in the most filthy manner and so on... The film claims all this natural for teenage boys and should not be discouraged by Parents!!
Woman also should put up with such behaviour. For example consider the reasons given by one our Boys in the film for him keeping his Zip open in front of women. He claims that the woman was looking at his .... and that is how she noticed his zip open!
Even porn films are good. A person watching porn films would just feel like going and having sex with another person. Whether it is right or wrong depends on moral relativism. But this film is simply outrightly bad. No culture can tolerate such rubbish. Basically what this film says is that if you are a guy you can go ahead and treat the womans body as simply an object for all sorts of perverted pleasures.
Amazingly even a noted dancer like Anita Ratnam made an appearance in this film. She didnt speak any vulgar dialogues or enact obscene scenes. To sum up the film in a few words - The height of Obscenity.