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Member Since:Feb 09, 2002
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Education: M.S
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Well made film..
Reviewed LOC - Kargil
After Border and Refugee, I was not too keen on seeing any war films. But after reading the review of LOC, decided to check it out. And I am not at all disappRead more...
Film made to justify Sexual Molestation of Women.
Reviewed Boys
If you are a Woman in TN please join the Womans organisation that are protesting the playing of this film. I dont think it is going to have much effect Read more...
Very Good Service..
Reviewed Jet Airways
Jet airways provides very good service despite being affordable. The staff is very professional, the service is hospitable, the food is very good and in generRead more...
Great Cricketer but..
Reviewed Sachin Tendulkar
Sachin is no doubt a great cricketer and currently the best batsman in the world. But is he a great person. I dont think so. For example how much courage doesRead more...
A bit too Heroic
Reviewed The Hero
This was a good film by bollywood standards. There was no vulgarity and women were shown as intelligent humans and not mere sex machines as is the case with mRead more...
Movie was Fake..
Reviewed Gandhi
Let me reproduce parts of a book The Gandhi nobody knows by Richard Greiner. I had the singular honor of attending an early private screening of Read more...
A pioneering film
Reviewed Satta
This is quite a different film. A first of its kind in Hindi films. For once the heroine is not an object of pleasure to satisfy the Hero. Second the woRead more...
Bunch of Zombies..
Reviewed Indian Army
The British had purposely trained the Indian Army in such a way so as to be completely oblivious of any political happenings in India. It was a brilliant moveRead more...
Brilliant but could have stuck to the book.
Reviewed Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
This is an extraordinary film by any standards. But one thing I disliked was whenever the director decided to change the story the Movie was not so good. LikeRead more...
Defence Ministry is pathetic..
Reviewed Ministry Of Defence
The defence ministry is so scared of what the West thinks of them, and not as to what is safe for Indians. They are simply an enormous drain on the resources Read more...
Too unrealistic..
Reviewed Kaante
I mean come on, Indian girls dancing in strip clubs in LA? If that was bad enough, whats with the LA cops acting being as bad as Indian cops? Who is goiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on birdy69's review
Good review. I found the film quite revolting with their cheap references to body parts etc. Thanks for the link www.naatak.com I'll check up their schedule and try to make their next showing. If indeed you find this film awful you must be a man with good tastes. So I think I'll try out www.naata Read More...
Rated on dhanush's review
Rated on tumu's review
Rated on amjad_maruf's review
Rated on coolnfundu's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Rated on suyog's review
Rated on sushant_83's review
Rated on Cticize's review
Rated on guptaroopa's review
Rated on karana23's review
Commented on skris's review
I dont see any social mesage in the film. If perhpas the author had shown eve-teasing etc. in a bad light then we can agree that he was trying to spread a social message. But instead this guy glorifies it. I cant quite see where the social message is.
Commented on lavanya's review
It is about time girls with good morals like you come out and speak up. Everybody justifies eve-teasing etc. by claiming girls enjoy it. It is the films which is making degrading practices like eve-teasing, sexual molstation in public places etc. a big nuiscance. I like the way Tamil Women ca Read More...
Rated on lavanya's review
Commented on paari's review
I dont quite agree that one should use American Channels as a bench mark. oK Americaan channels show sex so we can too is not a logical arguement. My point is Taamil Cinema is mainstream culture. So the director should have gone through the Censor board. Also in usa the law and order situati Read More...
Rated on bhupendra_rajpals's review
Commented on normally_crazy's review
Come on.. Amitabh acting acting as a angry young man was not too bad. In a country like India there are a lot of angry young men. But showing scences like cutting fo the finger of your barber or just throwing out women from a moving car is quite disgusting. Hell I treat my garbage better than Amitab Read More...
Rated on normally_crazy's review
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