This Book causes my blood pressure to rise but I love it.
Title: Bridge Across Forever Author: Richard Bach (One, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull) Recommended for those who like to look inside of themselves and also for those who don’t want to. ‘A Love Story’. This is the sub title of the book. Nope no exotic men with muscles bulging in the sunlight or women with hair flying in the sweet winds of the Virgin Islands. (Sorry, but I had to say that).
This book follows the journey of a man looking for a soul mate. A pilot also a writer, he traverses America with a theory that there is one person waiting for him. After debating her existence he finally decides that the One lies in the collective existence of many women. Now don’t get any weird ideas. He decides that one woman may satisfy his desire for intellectual exchange, another may share his taste for adventure and so on. He finally does find a very close friend in Leslie, beautiful, sexy, intelligent etc. Now this is where you need a doctor to monitor your vital signs. Here is a girl he can play chess with, watch alien movies with, discuss philosophy with , say mushy stuff blah, blah, blah and the idiot considers her to be a sister. Is she the One? I will not tell you. For those who have not read Bach be prepared for a lot of deep thinking. As in the books mentioned above, the story line is mostly always accompanied by paragraphs of what the character is thinking. If for instance he watches Leslie talk, the book will take you through maybe pages of text of the character thinking about how much fun he is having, how beautiful she is, how he needs to be with her, why he needs to be with her and so on.
This Is a love story, a story about whether you can love one or all, whether you have the right or not to change something about someone, …… and more. It will not give you tips on marriage and relationships like Femina might. It will not give you fantasy like Mills & Boon. This will give you an honest account of how this particular man thinks and rethinks and rethinks his ideas on love. While the book can make a minute feel like a millenium , it has however, sex, financial scams, romance, crashing planes, environmental concerns everything that has potential to make this a masala book. The honesty again comes through, in not sensationalizing these events but by using these incidents to help the main story.
Warning! This book may cause soul searching to the male reader. Also since this book has been written from a man’s point of view it may not interest all women but it could give you an insight into what men want (or maybe how idiotic they can be!). One interesting feature of Bach’s works is his use of the metaphysical world. In this book he explores out of body experiences, moves into the future , chats with his future self and a little more. Bach’s books are like literary versions of ‘The Matirx’ , philosophy + SCI FI. Heavy reading, maybe you can read it in bits. I love this book. Enjoy.