Brokeback Mountain, plays like a tragic love song. A song about, loneliness, fear, raw passion and heartbreak. The film is about Jack and Ennis, two young men, who find each other on the mountains of Wyoming while tending sheep one summer. Ennis (Heath Ledger) has been raised to hate homosexuals, his father made sure of it when he was young. Jack (Jake Gyllenhaal) on the other hand is outgoing, had a good upbringing and works the rodeo for a living. None of them are opening gay. You know I aint queer says Ennis to Jack. Years after they leave the mountainside get married and settle down, their abrupt meeting ignites the same sparks and they go off spending time together, concealing the truth from their wives. Michelle Williams plays Alma, who learns of the truth and eventually breaks off her marriage to Ennis. Anne Hathaway plays Lureen, Jacks Wife, who finds out about Jack a little too late. All four actors give great performances, especially Heath Ledger. He brings out his characters tortured past, his frustration in his dialogue or lack of it. He is so affected by his past it comes through in his speech, hes almost afraid to talk. His performance as Ennis Del Mar throughout the film is inspiring to watch. Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Sense and Sensibility, Hulk) who makes films about all different genres and characters does an excellent job of seeing the story through to the end and staying true to the characters and the literary material he is working with. Even the music is used sparingly, the slow guitar theme coming in once in a while. The movie could have easily had an epic score, heightening the emotional backbone of the story. Honestly, this film doesnt need it. Brokeback Mountain is one of the best films of 2005, and Heath Ledger gives one of the best performances of the year.
copyright kalel 2006