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Member Since:May 22, 2006
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Singer's treatment revives Superman!
Reviewed Superman Returns
In June, 1938 the first comic showcasing Superman was published. It went through amazing transformation through out the decades, with good and bad TV shows;raRead more...
Birth of a Hero...not so fast!
Reviewed Krrish
Its a summer of super heroes, and with the release of Krrish, a new superhero is born wait not so fast. While Krrish is a great summer entertainer with awesomRead more...
Elemental,educational,poetic, refreshing...''Wate
Reviewed Water
Deepa Mehtas’ films seem to transcend cultures and barriers and end up playing along side mainstream movies. They can be movies that are easily a producRead more...
Seeing is believing!
Reviewed Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D
Ever look up at the moon and wonder what it would be like to walk on it, every time right! Well, Only 12 Have Walked On The moon. Youre NextRead more...
Soldiers of Antarctica
Reviewed March of the Penguins
Antarctica, the coldest, darkest place on earth is home for the Emperor Penguins. It is where they are born it is where most of them will perish before birth.Read more...
Ang Lee's tragic Masterpiece!
Reviewed Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain, plays like a tragic love song. A song about, loneliness, fear, raw passion and heartbreak. The film is about Jack and Ennis, two young menRead more...
I felt cheated....!
Reviewed Parineeta
With great expectation, the audience awaited its release. After all, it is based on Saratchandra Chattopadhyays literary masterpiece. Similar to that ofRead more...
Redeems Bollywood!
Reviewed Paheli
I have to say, I loved this movie. The desi audience always complains, oh its the same story, the same movie and then whenRead more...
Doomed to sink!
Reviewed Poseidon
This film has all the ingredients to make a disaster movie and Im not talking about the plot line. Start with a bad script full Read more...
A sketchy Triumph!!
Reviewed Hanuman
At a time when the Indian film industry is just getting past copying Hollywood films and actually putting out mainstream movies with original concepts, the moRead more...
Faithful to the Code * * * *
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code
While reading Dan Brown’s best selling book, one can only wonder how thrilling it would be to see it translated to the big screen. After watching Ron HoRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on dino_lawki's review
Rated on caramelcustard's review
Rated on sathayet's review
Commented on patenik2's review
I agree this is one of the finest films to come out of Indian cinema...yes the screenplay is really good...and that song pathshala has good lyrics, cant get it out of my head. lol ok i'll try to use paragraphs, some of my reviews arent that long so I just keep them straight..but I'll see. thanks
Rated on godess101's review
Commented on godess101's review
Im very sorry to say, yes the songs are catchy, but the movie as a whole is nothing compared to Denzel's ' Man on Fire'. In fact it is even better than the original movie. best Kalel
Commented on own review
hey its cool man, Its a good thing to agree, dont be afraid to agree , seeing paheli in the cinemas was awesome. thanks for the comment bro.
Thanks guys....I enjoyed the code man, I dont know i guess maybe becuz I loved the book so much and im a Tom Hanks fan...and yes I have seen all of them...check out his last one 'Howls moving castle'...amazing! also check out Takahata films. there is another indian film called 'Bhagmati' starrin Read More...
Rated on Scalpel's review
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