Ok...heres a simple yet useful review of my Dataone bb connection..
initially..i registered for it it thro the website..only to be dissapointed...since I got no calls, replies.so I decided to got to the bsnl office & register.its MISSION IMPOSSIBLE to get your work done at the bsnl office, since its a pain.the people there are crappy & unhelpful.so I filled up the reg. form and submitted it.2 days later I got a call saying that I registered for the conection twice..yeah thats thro the web & at the office.SO MUCH FOR LATE REPLIES !
so after a WEEK I got a confirmation call stating il get the connection within a week.to my utter dissapointment, it came after 4 weeks of the call.an unbearable wait.
the installation was immediate and I got connected to the net the same day.
so I got my bill this month...for Dec25 -05 ::: Jan31-06...it had minor errors in the billing part..especially the extra usage charges are never calculated accurately..menawhile, the browsing & download SPEEDS were acceptable but on sundays youll have a hard time connecting.Now for the so called NIGHT UNLIMITED feature.how many normal people would consider surfin & downloading from 2-8AM ??? these are the ODD TIMINGS given for this feature.Ive read across the web that some users get even their free usage ACCOUNTED for.
Coming to the SHoCker for the month of feb.
there I was checkin my usage on Feb7-06 at the BSNL Portal, like I usually do.it was around 270mb(out of my 410mb/ H250 PLAN) the previous day..and now it was showing a shockin 2.10GB !on further inspection..it showed that mbs in the range of 700-800mb was being added in my usage by some culprit at bsnl.even more shocking was that these usages were added , when my COMPUTER WAS SWITCHED OFF !!! I could only mean that someone is mysteriosly using my Account at bsnl..since they are the only people who can access my account or do such a thing..
Wait, thers more..i jus let 3/4 days pass by only to discover my already shocking usage was showing 4.5GB !!! I knew the sensible thing to do was change the password again..but there was no escape..as of now..its showing 4.9gb !!!
so as of now I HAVE used only arnd 570mb of the the 4.9gb..the remaining is left to BSNL.i didn complain about it to bsnl officials..some said IT CAN BE POSSIBLE & some advised me to speak to the accounts officer.Guess what ...now I m waiting for this OUTRAGEOUS bill to come & strike me..
on monday, i will be be going to the JTOs office to speak about this & the have to see what will/can be done before the bill arrives.
if you thought im the only one having such problems/billing errors..jus got to google.com & search for BSNL dataone billing errors, complaints
people are calling bsnl A FRAUD !!!
Conclusion: ive already decide to take up the speed500 plan from airtel on recommendations from many of my friends.ive heard its damn good.you get an attractive unlimited usage option too..as far as dataone is concerned..ill have to wait till march to surrender the connection because the have this minimum hire period of 3 months..my (NIC)network interface card/LAN card which I bought for the connection is a waste now, since airtel provides USB modems and they DONT NEED external power supply like bsnls modem does.dataones WEBMAIL client is also crappy.
so people, please dont get fooled by this horrible state-run companys service..id recommend to go for airtel..
speed: 256kbps
security deposit(refundable) : rs.500
plan charges(for me):rs.250
modem rental:rs.100
extra charges: rs.1.40
Got to go.i wrote this review in a hurry, just tomake all of you aware of bsnls broadband service....your comments & enquiries are welcome