We bought a computer for our home 3 years back. What we badly needed was an internet connection.
My system provider was "Focuz Computers" in Palakkad. The guy who came for installing my PC suggested me to go for NETONE.
Talking about netone, its a postpaid dial-up internet service from BSNL where in you can start the connection from your hame and unlike in Sancharnet where in you have to go to the BSNL office, get the package etc etc, here both the Internet and Telephone charges will come in the usual telephone bill.
Earlier our bill amount used to be very less. But now since our net consumption has been increased, the bill amount has also started increasing like anything.
So we thought about getting this connection disconnected and getting a WLL connection.
But the BSNL officials told that once this connection has been taken, it cannot be disconnected.
Now we are in a great dilemma.