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Member Since:Mar 29, 2008
0 MS Points
Doing my Computer Science Engineering semester 2. Coding, Software Development, Web development, E-Commerce,
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Easy to use, affordable, but.....
Reviewed BSNL NetOne Dial Up
We bought a computer for our home 3 years back. What we badly needed was an internet connection. My system provider was "Focuz Computers" in Palakkad. The guRead more...
Really helpful when it comes to giving speeches.
Reviewed Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking - Dale Carnegie
I got this book just a month before I got into college. Earlier I had done a few comedy skits on the stage at a few New Year celebrations at my housing colonyRead more...
You can surely win.
Reviewed You Can Win - Shiv Khera
I took this book an year before. I find this book very interesting. This book is not at all a philosophical one. It can take you to the edge of success providRead more...
Akshay!! My star
Reviewed Akshay Kumar
He is  such a good actor. Doing lot of comedy movies these days. Can handle all kind of comedy roles. All his works in comedy r really good. His earlier actRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Last nite while surfing from blog to blog looking for some real and different kinda fun content, I reached a blog http://www.funny-content.blogspot.com. This blog contains and is constantly updated with informative content, jokes and funny stuff thatll definitely make anyone smile, and even l Read more...
Commented on jnan's article
Well said Well I agree with you.
Commented on faisal's article
Hello! Pls help How will I abe able to receive a gift if I happen to receive a message telling that I have got a gift?????
Pamper yourself- Gift yourself
Commented on gurudev.prasad's article
Good Congrats. Keep working for the good cause.
The story of a good ghost -You may find him useful
Commented on mn876's review
That was indeed cool. But when it comes to style that 007 puts up every time , Casino Royale is somewhat behind when compared to the previous ones like Tomorrow Never Dies etc.
Rated on mn876's review
Commented on divyaprem's review
That was indeed a good thing to know. Good. Keep posting.
Rated on divyaprem's review
Commented on mayicontact_u's article
Really touching It really touched my heart.
Beautiful Message...Ever..
Good The questions are really good.
Questions of Life
Cool It's a nice one. Pls put it under the folder ''Humour''
Very good one indeed All your diary posts are interesting. This one is superb.
Chanakya Niti
Fine info. That was indeed a good one.
7 Keys to Success
Touched my heart I would call this the best among your diary posts. It’s really touching. With your permission I am taking this outside Mouthshut and passing it to my frnds.
For Hard workers Only...
That was a good one Cool one.
Santa singh starting chicken farm
Very impressive The story is very impressive. So is the message conveyed through it. This particular message is often not seen in Sucess-books. Good. Keep posting such articles.
Never-say-die Attitude (one of the best examples)
Rated on ab_amoli's review
Commented on ab_amoli's review
Good review man. I was looking forward for some time when I can watch all the latest movies. I'll surely watch this.
Commented on niteshambuj's review
I have read his book 'You Can Win' a lot of times. I will definitely go for this book.
Rated on niteshambuj's review
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