BSNL DataOne Broadband Review
It seemed like ages, I had been waiting for a good internet experience, one that is fast and reliable. And finally after five years since I started using the internet arrives BSNL DataOne Broadband, Im not calling it the best, but it is the first step.
Registration and installation
BSNL does all the right thing when it comes to the infrastructure and facilities, but falters when it comes to updating all its staff about the product and the process to be followed.
Initially it was advertised that an online registration is enough. I did register online in December, come Jan 31 and I never got a call. So on Feb 1, I went to meet the CRM, he asked me to fill in a form and since I already was using DIAS, I didnt have to pay anything. I came back. Next day, surprise, BSNL people knock at my home and just replaced the DIAS modem with the ADSL modem.Thats it, installation is over, no software and stuff, Win XP has everything built in.
Contrary to their advertising, at present they are offering only two plans Home 500 and Business 1200. I took the former, 256Kbps, monthly 500 bucks and 1 Gb download cap. For the moment the best thing is no download cap till end of June.
For more information on the different plans that will available in the future go to
Browsing and Downloading
There would not be a remarkable difference if you are just logging onto yahoo or checking news and stuff. The difference can be seen when you open heavily loaded pages, with lot of graphic content.
Downloading is a whole different story, I have since the installation downloaded songs, trailers, watched streaming content and what not, the speed is as promised. It downloads at about 32 KBps (256Kbps, in bits).At present this is just great news.It is 4 times faster than dialup and 2 times faster than DIAS.
Bandwidth Test
I ran a couple of bandwidth tests, here is the result of one.
299.2 kilobits per second
Communications 299.2 kilobits per second
Storage 36.5 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 28 seconds
Bottom line
BSNL DataOne broadband is the cheapest, most reliable and best broadband service in India now. You dont need a second opinion on this, go for it!!
the enigma