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Member Since:Nov 08, 2003
0 MS Points
. Sometimes life seems so understandable and sometimes it is beyond comprehension. <b> I love to try & figure out why people behave the way they do</b>,it is after all fascinating, the kind of things people do. <i>On a related note, do you have any idea why chicken have to die?</i> for me, sometimes that is very difficult to answer, especially when it is a regular on my plate on weekends!!! <i><B>Movies</B></i>, I'm actually a movie freak, I watch all kinds of movies from across the world.Saturday and Sunday don't exist for me, there are weekdays and then there are movie days. Sometimes, weekdays are also movie days!! Isnt that amazing? It isn't to you? nevermind, It is, to me! <B> Reading </B>, Non fiction of late, recently reading psychology and stuff. One day, I will understand myself!! and the best of the lot, <b>Sleeping</b> zzzzzzzzzzz the enigma <b>be good!
About Me
Education: Learned enough
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The grandest of the epics
Reviewed Kingdom of Heaven
These days going to a movie hall is not so encouraging for me because of a lot of factors, a few of them I have managed to list here. #1 Finding time is the Read more...
Satan believes in you!
Reviewed Constantine
Review posted again because it was removed, only two people would know why, one is the admin from mouthshut and the other God! And neither of them are tellingRead more...
Career decisions made a bit simple!
Reviewed Choosing the Right Career
Choosing the right career Im not 40 years old, nor have I worked for very long time. So I decided to just address people who are doing their school eduRead more...
BSNL Broadband rocks!!
Reviewed BSNL NetOne Dial Up
BSNL DataOne Broadband Review It seemed like ages,I had been waiting for a good internet experience, one that is fast and reliable. And finally after five yeRead more...
King Khan? Nah!!
Reviewed Shah Rukh Khan
Prelude Let me clarify one thing before going to the review, Im not a Shahrukh hater! amd dont give my review a thumbs down just because I said aRead more...
Every Music lovers dream!
Reviewed iRiver iHP 120
Iriver IHP 120 is a hard disk based MP3 player / jukebox.Similar to Ipod but with better features and sound quality.Hardcore music fans know this.The player Read more...
Black is poetry on celluloid!
Reviewed Black - Bollywood
What do we get when some of the finest talents in Indian Cinema come together to make a film? Black!!!Rarely do we get an Indian movie that is jusRead more...
Fight Club - Do you want to fight me?
Reviewed Fight Club (1999)
Warning : This movie is very graphic and disturbing, and is not for the people who cant stand violence in a movie. If you are wondering why Im reviewinRead more...
Kill Bill Vol 2 is a magnum opus!!
Reviewed Kill Bill Vol 2
In November 2003I had this to say about Kill Bill Volume 1 it is senseless, soulless and a horrible movie (http://www.mouthshut.com/rRead more...
Matchstick Men - my film of the year
Reviewed Matchstick Men
Things that made me watch the movie Ridley Scott (Hannibal, Black Hawk Down, Gladiator,Read more...
U will enjoy this jungle!
Reviewed The Rundown
Something about the movie the rundown aka (welcome to the jungle in india) is a very intriguing, the moment u Read more...
Kill bill or is it kill everybody in sight?
Reviewed Kill Bill
Well, I cannot remember any movie filled with so much bloodshed and gore. The least I can say about this movie is it is senseless, soulless and aRead more...
Revolutions - A stunning finale, well almost!
Reviewed Matrix Revolutions
Everything that has a beginning, has an end. Matrix Revolutions is almost a stunning finale to the trilogy. Why this is an almost stunRead more...
First impression, not the best impression!
Reviewed Nokia 3530
Yes, the phone will never make a good first impression with your near and dear ones.Mainly because of its size and weight. Six - eight months back this phone Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on geshanmanandhar's review
Rated on MayuriSharrma's review
Rated on ankit_15feb's review
Rated on engipravin's review
Rated on fenil_seta's review
Rated on venkey_23's review
Rated on Cticize's review
Rated on mohanvarma2004's review
Commented on own review
Sound quality wise both are same, IPod looks much better which nobody can deny. Iriver is for hardcore music buffs (sometimes, u need to be different from others, out of the crowd!!). Iriver has recently arrived in India, it will take time to get famous here. Its more than one year since i wro Read More...
Rated on diver's review
Rated on swaminarayan's review
Yeah, however it is not a drawback for me, the kind of crap that comes on fm, i would not even listen to it , forget about recording!! the enigma
Commented on navrip111's review
I have one bad news for you, Anniyan is a critical and commercial success. Aren't u reading magazines or browsing movie sites, aren't u seeing the crowds in the theatres? Anniyan has collected 10 crores in 1 week. Check out article by sify. the enigma
Rated on navrip111's review
Rated on vmur2000's review
Rated on Nithyaseelan's review
Rated on sanjayshankar's review
Commented on knmurli's review
Excellent review!I agree with you 100 %. The movie was enjoyable but still was not half as good as Indian. Mainly because the Anniyan and Remo characterization were not good enough. Remo was totally out of place in the movie, for Anniyan the voice modulation was not good and did not have powerful Read More...
Rated on knmurli's review
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Aneet Singh (@aneet4743MouthShut Verified Member)
Kiran S Lokande (@kiranslokandeMouthShut Verified Member)
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anoop578 (@anoop578MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ravi Agarwal (@rksathish94MouthShut Verified Member)
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