I dont even know where to start. I dont know it didnt worked out for me but it might be perfect for you if:
You dont mind frequent disconnection every hour and your work is not disturbed when internet is disconnected in such a way.
You dont mind illiterate-technical executives visiting your home every time to resolve the issue and failing every time and then claiming that your internet is not working because you upgraded your systems RAM last week. And not to mention, how much you absolutely love watching them typeping google.com 100000 times with their dirty hands on your laptop.
You like visiting public offices with smell of urine and interacting with highly disturbed and dissatisfied looking employees and convincing them that if your phone line works that doesnt necessarily means your Internet is working.
You generally like spending time with people explaining how some businesses are now dependent on Internet and at loss when Internet goes offline.
You are so rich to afford internet disconnection for 3 days. So what if you run an online business or trade stocks, and suffered a loss of$2000 because of it, you simply dont care. Youve got plenty of cash left.
You time traveled from 19th century and the whole idea of Internet is still new to you. So you dont mind weather it works or not for a week. But hey, at least these people are nice and knows their thing, right? ThisINTERNET sounds so cool and modern-y.
You dont mind paying a couple of thousand rupees extra after you applied for line disconnection because your request is sleeping on some sleazy employees desk for weeks. Hell yeah, Ive got my own yacht - I dont care about money.
Making 100 calls to a customer support department every week and waiting for 30 minutes every-time is your thing. You just cant give it up. So without BSNL in place, youll just be all alone and you wont be talking to that sweet "app-katar-mein-hai-kripya-wait-kijiye" girl.
So go for BSNL hurray!