Review : When I got to have my first sip of Bud about three years back, I was left wondering, what was so great about it? Then I had another, and another and till date I have not managed to answer that question.
Well, the Americans have a right to their view. But I seriously dont understand it all all. The world knows that most American beers with their pathetic taste is among the mildest and tasteless beers. Bud along with Coors and Miller form a trio that are best in their light versions (lighter than BUD???). It is for those people who really count the calories that go in.
Okay that having said, there must be something that makes Bud interesting. It is still the most visible beer in America. Perhaps it is the price, perhaps it is their marketing, or maybe there may actually be people who enjoy its taste. As most know, beer is mostly about acquired taste, so people who have grown with Bud in their hands while watching those crazy NFL/NCAA football matches do have a sense of attachment to this one. So goes for all the Nascar fans out there.
Okay inspite of its insipid taste, it is still one of the most easiest beers to consume and you could have half dozen of these and still be dancing your way to glory on the floor. You can consume it with any kind of food including Pizza at any time, though I see little reason and sense if you want to try it out with your morning idli/dosa instead of chai.
One more thing is its availability. It is almost available in every gas station across the length and breadth of America, soon I guess it would be in India as well. These guys are good when it comes to marketing their product. It sure would be a big hit if they can rope in Sachin or Rahul to do the ads, but I dont think such a thing is permitted.
The price: Well it is not that it is the cheapest lagers in the market, but still is competitively priced, a six pack can cost less than 5$ at the right places. If you have a party in mind and have to invest in a lot of beers, then maybe this is one beer to consider. I am not sure though about its pricing in India.
A decent beer drinker, who drinks beer because of the taste might not see much of an appeal in Bud, there aint any. A Guiness or Ale drinker might laugh at you if you mentioned Bud, but a college going kid with cash limitations might jump at the idea.
There re good German and dutch beers available. Try them first and then wonder who the king of beers is