Hi All,
May be I am to young to write any review on this gigantic BULL, since I got this bull just a week back.
Let me tell you how I got my eyes on bullet. The first 2 bikes that I owned where Victor and Fiero F2( you can check out my reviews in respective sections). After F2 I had a choice for Karizma, Pulsar 220 and Hond Hunk. I had test driven Kariz and Pulsar 220 and was on my way to Hunk when I came across a bullet Showroom. dont know what power it was, it attaracted me towards the showroom , where i test drove TB and ELECTRA 5S, after which my entire thinking about the word "BIKE" changed!! I then never went to test drive HUNK and then made up my mind, what ever it may cost, what ever time it takes, I want to go for this beast..No other bike can take a place in my gurage and finally decided to go for Machismo 350 after a month of R& D on the specifications and features of multiple bullets:
Well to be Frank, I do not know whether I have upgraded or downgraded but I know I have taken the right decision to go with this bike. I never admired this bike for the thumping sound and am satisfied with the thumping that I get. I admired it for its real power, comfort and the all metal body with no shattring fiber parts.
Till date I have observed the following PROs and CONs:
1.Real Bull power not just like in ads of Honda Hunk.
2.Real Stability.
3.Excellent road grip, if the air pressure in the tyres is set properly.
4.Real Seating comfort.
5.Excellent Front and rear suspensions(Gas Suspensions).
6.Extralarge Wheel Base ( Inspite of that no turning problems still incurred). Even the Side bag attached dosenot annoy the pillion as in case of other bikes.
7.Excellent Breaking capabilities. The disc brake is just astonishing.
7.Being composed of the Aluminium alloy engine, need not wait for the pickup as in case of cast iron engines. Good cooling capabilities... reduces the chances of an engine seize.
8.40/45Watts headlight..... need not comment on this. no other device can trace the route for you the best.
9.Tail lamp 5Watts, brake lamp 21Watts, enough to wake up a sleeping person in the vehicle behind you!! Trafficator lamps 5 watts each. form a long distance one can make out where this bull is now going to turn. The trafficators are manufactured by Swiss... one of the best companies in relay Flasher and indicator manufacturing.
- The electric starter. reduces the tension to kick start the bike.
The looks... All chrome body the glaze that it gives in the shunshine can be seen from miles apart!!
1.OIL Leakage.... I experienced it the very next day I bought this bull. OIL oozed out of the front left fork. but the service personnel fixed it right away. the oil filling vent screw was loose.
2.The weight.. with the crash guard and the saree guard attached with petrol tank filled half the way the bull weighs around 200Kgs Flat!! but then thats the reason why the vehicle is so stable.
- The kick starter......Thank my stars that I was a body builder some years ago!!! (though I never participated in compititions). I used to to lift around 120 to 140 Kgs with my legs as a Thigh exercise...but now as time is passing I have learnt the trick to start this bull in just one kick. once I had an experience of the so called back kick right on my calf. but that was a really COOL experience!! Also thanks to the electric starter
Hats Off to Royal Enfield Technology.........
I will not add the point of fuel efficiency, because that point is NOT to be considered if you want to own this pride.
Would recommend this bike for the ones who are starving for the real power.. not the zipping speed but the real locomotive power and do not find problems in spending some money on fuel and proper maintenance (of course every bike needs that, even the Hondas).
NOTE:Please do not call this Bull as BIKE keep it aside for the chickenshit fiber bikes. It really stands as a motorcycle.
1.Unlock the handle, do not turn ON the ignition and Fuel lock Yet.
2.Crank the engine for a few seconds, kicking the kick starter. now do the same operation depressing the clutch lever. This will pump the oil to all the parts inside engine.
3.Turn on ignition and fuel lock.
4.Engage the kick and bring it to a position just where the compression starts (Kick becomes too hard). Now depress the decompressor and the kick half the way down simultaneously. This kick should be soft.( This operation should be done each time you kick start the engine else kick will be too hard to operate.).Release the Decompressor bringing the kick to its home location.
- Now kick start the vehicle with a powerful swing. use choke if required.
6.Let the engine run at idling RPM for some time. DO NOT race. this will increase the engine life and will also prevent unnecessary flooding and hence fuel wastage.