In our large country Canada, only one thing matters: Price. And we find it in BK, my favourite fast food spot. The one I usuall visit is right beside the local Tim Hortans, which is bonus, so I can get my doughnut and chicken tender sandwich in one meal. But BK sis more than just a chain. Its REAL good food. But lets break this King down.
The food fit for a king. Although the fish sandwich is crapalicious, the rest is pretty okay. Firstly, try the chicken tenders. Best in Canada. Now, go the next step: The Chicken Tender Sandwich. I gotta stop drooling on the keyboard. And you have youre Mcdonalds equivilents: Big Mac Vs Big King. Quarter Pounder vs Junior Whopper. McChicken Vs Chicken Whopper Junior. Notice how I use junior compared to Mcdonalds food. My cousins and I went for lunch before a movie (since its close to my local theatre) and one of them isnt very familiar with the BK menu. He ordered Whopper, thinking it was the equivilant to the Quarter pounder. Wrong he was to find out that i8t was huge. I mean, that cousin is a pretty small guy and cant eat that much. Anyways, bigger food, bigger taste. The fires are pretty weak so I dont order them that often, I usually get a whopper and a coke, and a doughnut.
atmosphere and cleansliness
Compared to McDonalds and Wendys, this place is pretty clean. I hardly see people working, but the place always seems clean. Unfortunatly, it also always seems empty. Everyones off to Mcdonalds to enjoy there meals. I prefer BK in every aspect, but hey, MCDs advertising beats BK by a pretty big margin, so what are you gonna do. Oh yeah, read this review! The atmosphere is nice enough to make you feel at ease, and the place aint swarming with kids and returning there happy meal toy.
Service and drive-thru
The service at my place is awesome. It took thema minute to get my Chicken tender sandwich, my cousins whopper junior and chicken tenders, and my brothers Big Kids meal. I was amazed, and it wasnt a slow day. So far, theyve never gotton my order wrong. Unfortunatly, I am not old enough to drive, so I do not controll the wheel. Either my veggie sister does or my parents do. And when we are in a rush, Mcdonalds is closer to our home, so we usually go there for drive-thru. But I have occaisonally gone to BKs drive thru when Theyre in a rush along Brant st., and drive-thru didnt get anyones order wrong. Even when my brother ordered extra-salt on his onion rings {makes disgusted face}.
And of course, we cant forget Price. The price at BK beats Mcdonalds, Harveys (little Canadian fast food joint) and Wendys 2-to-1. Not only can you get the whopper for $0.99 (Something Mcdonalds would never dare do to there QP), but there meals are less expensive and more tasty. So next time youre sick of high prices at Mcdonalds, come to BK where its:
But It confusing me. Isnt the King supposed to be in charge? Because in this business, the jester really does.