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Member Since:Sep 07, 2002
0 MS Points
I'm finally back from school, and i actually have time to write a review or two (because of holiday break) and im back with full force. . My names Death. I live in Canada, about 30 beer stores south from Toronto. I like movies, music, sharing my opinion. like I recently bought a typewriter at a garage sale. Was that last comment really neccesary? You tell me.....
About Me
Education: K-12
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Catch this movie if you can!
Reviewed Catch Me If You Can
Im back! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Death is back for another round. Since Christmas break is here, I had a chance to write this review and perhaps morRead more...
A Rush of Great Songs is more like it!
Reviewed A Rush Of Blood To The Head - ColdPlay
Open up your eyes to this new CD by the unfimiliar band known as Coldplay. There first CD, Parachutes was their first album, and a greRead more...
The Kids Do Care.
Reviewed Recalling September 11, 2001!
I woke up. I got dressed. I ate breakefast. I went to school, which started only a week ago. How normal a day it was, or how a foolishly mistook it. SometimeRead more...
Being watched, are we?
Reviewed The Truman Show
Good afternoon, good evening and goodnight!. This is the line Truman Burbank says to his neighbours everyday. Yeah, IRead more...
You'll wanna guzzle down the sub sauce
Reviewed Subway - Vile Parle West - Mumbai
There was this one occasion, when one of my cousins asked the clerk: Ill take the bottle of Sub-Sauce. The man working there lauRead more...
Get out clown, the king is here!
Reviewed Burger King - Churchgate - Mumbai
In our large country Canada, only one thing matters: Price. And we find it in BK, my favourite fast food spot. The one I usuall visit is right beside the locaRead more...
You'll Rush to turn it off
Reviewed Rush Hour 2 Movie
All he wanted was some mooshoo says agent Lee (Jackie Chan) after his American partner, Agent Carter (Chris Tucker) is supposidly deadRead more...
Mcdonalds: Every Smile deserves another.
Reviewed McDonald's - Vasant Vihar - Delhi NCR
I used to love Mcdonalds as a kid. Happy meals, Mcflurrys, toys, and play place. Life was sweet when I was young, because was too ignorant to know anythRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Thanks for the comments...now, to find something to review next.... Death comes to those who look for it -Deathman (you too cousin2!)
Commented on Raj.J's review
I enjoyed your review and have heard equally good and bad things about this movie. But after reading your review, the bad definatly outweighs the good. Death comes to those who look for it -Deathman
Rated on Raj.J's review
Followed Happyz
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Rated on aratherbadusername's review
Rated on meleahk1's review
Rated on vishusvariety's review
Rated on steveleeart's review
Rated on buckeyeboy's review
Followed aratherbadusername
Rated on conter7's review
Commented on servoss's review
I do agree with those smirnoff commercials, they are stupid. Although i have not personally seen that one, i have seen some pretty stupid things on smirnoff. Death comes to those who look for it -Deathman
Rated on servoss's review
Rated on MonicaMcLean's review
Commented on MonicaMcLean's review
hey well i feel the same about the book/movie delima. Even though i have read all 4 books, the second one you needed more backround knowledge than the first. And everyone cheering at the end....was a bad ending. it didnt occur in the book and i felt it was unneccesary. good review though! D Read More...
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