While writing this review, it took me a while to first understand what the topic was all about. The question that first struck my mind was What is sudden terror?. What is it all about ? How do we define sudden terror ?
While musing about all this I have come across some startling discrepancies in the question itself. First the point that I have to make is that different people have different ideas about this. For a peaceful countries which are a victims of this sudden terror, for eg. USA post 9/11, it holds a completely different meaning as it does to a always war torn country like Israel/Palestine ?
But can there be anything like sudden terror ? This fundamental question proves pivotal in answering our question. Unlike a single human tendency to act on instincts, the behavioral patterns of a group of individuals is more of a planned act of activity than that of an instinct. The acts condemned terrorist by the bigwigs are not done on instincts but are in reality a culmination or even better still the manifestations of the pent-up emotions of the victims itself during long periods of victimization and desperation. It should not be forgotten that the victims that are raising a hue-and-cry now were once and still are the biggest perperators of crime against their present perperators who were once their victims.
Providing historical facts would definitely help substantiate this argument. How can one but justify the external interference of US in 63 internal affairs of other countries in a span of just 50 years ? Im not being a anarchist here, I am just being rational and logical. The same holds true of the other countries like Russia too. Each and every country that is suffering in the hands of the so-called terrorists or freedom fighters should understand the essential truth that these terrorists that are victimising them were not born out of nowhere.Atleast not out of thin air. It would be an understatement, if it is said the same of terrorists that Shakespeare said of great men.
Everything in this world has a reason and so does this. Terrorists are not just born out of thin air. They too were victims of much bigger powers than them. They were mute victims to years of struggle and desperation. For every Osama that is born there is a US that makes him so strong, feeding him all these years for their own benefit that they never knew when their own idea backfired.
Yes, I agree what happened is wrong, what is happening is also wrong but then where lies the solution. After all these years we should atleast understand that there is no solution in war. More war breeds more terrorists. Nothing less nothing more. War doesnt achieve anything but destruction. Interestingly, the solution lies in the solution itself.
The only solution to achieve peace from sudden terror is through peace. Yes, when the leaders of the nations understand that their duty to their posterity is to not make their countries richer or prosperous places to be but to make their countries a peaceful place can the ideal be achieved. Only peace breeds peace. What you get is what you pay !!!
Atleast if the present youth understand that it is their responsibility to renounce war, hatred or violence in any form, place, magnitude can this place be a peaceful place to be.