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Member Since:Apr 05, 2003
0 MS Points
Im a simple down-to-earth guy who believes in the simple truth of non-existence of impossibility. There are times when i am disillusioned by my failures but then i bounce back with renewed vigor to take on the task at hand. I believe that its all in the mind. I am basically into a lot of programming. I love reading books especailly enchanted with the ones dealing with the paranormal, psychology and myths. I love communicating with people, learning more about them, their loves, their fears.
About Me
Education: Student
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He might just cure you !
Reviewed Munna Bhai M.B.B.S
First, a happy new year to you all MSers. I know its late, but then better late than never ;) When was the last time you fell off the chair laughing? Or at leaRead more...
Visual Treat for Programmers
Reviewed Microsoft Visual C++
Visual C++. It has nothing to do with Visual Basic. But yes it belongs to the suite of proprietary software by Microsoft called the Visual Studio. Being a aviRead more...
Love them.Worship them.
Reviewed Caring for Aging Parents
This has been the sloka that has been handed from centuries past that tells us that our parents and teachers are our gods. Well, this cant be further from theRead more...
Ad Mad Show
Reviewed Ten Best Television Commercials
It is very often that you are watching a movie or a serial sitting on the edge, with your nails biting, with you holding your breath that your are on the vergRead more...
Samay Strikes Bollywood.
Reviewed Samay - When Time Strikes
Que Sera Sera - What is going to happen will happen. When time strikes, it is said that the most powerful of the people become powerless, the weak become the Read more...
What is sudden terror?
Reviewed Can there be peace in a world of sudden terror
While writing this review, it took me a while to first understand what the topic was all about. The question that first struck my mind was What is suddeRead more...
Love n Live
Reviewed A Beautiful Mind
A FOREWORD A thing of beauty is a joy forever . How very true ? After my incessant tirade against some very badly made films this is my review on a film thatRead more...
Terminator or Tormenator
Reviewed Terminator 3
If you are suffering from a serious lack of ideas and innovations, do the best of what is available to you. Our ancestors have left us, their progeny zillionsRead more...
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown
Reviewed Bruce Almighty
Does god play dice ? This was a huge question raised by an eminent scientist a long time ago, the details of which I would like not to delve deep into. ThisRead more...
Global Predicant : US of A
Reviewed War on Iraq: Case For 'No'
Survival of the fittest, a rather perfect euphemism for the jungle law where it is neither the fastest nor the strongest nor the biggest that ruleRead more...
Fun + Rakish + Intelligent + Ebullence + Dashing
Reviewed Friends
A friend is one to whom you may pour out all the contents of your heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take anRead more...
This is a Herculean Task
Reviewed Ten Best English Movies
Picking just some ten from hundreds of movies I have seen is a daunting task for me but then I think Ill give this my best try. Every movie that I rate Read more...
Bhollywood - Holy God!!!
Reviewed Kaante
These are really testing times for our very own Bollywood. Always falling short of some brilliant ideas as is evident from the name that itself has been borroRead more...
Optimism At Its Best
Reviewed Joe Dirt
Being a English movie aficionado has its share of advantages as well as the usual share of snubbings as a freak and what not. As is my usual routine of surfinRead more...
Final Destination II
Reviewed Final Destination
As I sit down to write this review several things just hit my mind with that animal brute force in the same way this film has shook me to my bare fears. SeverRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
hi vikki i do think ive targetted programmers here. ive tried to keep the language simple so that other people can understand. anyways, happy coding to u man. adios
Rated on qaz1's review
Thank you, MSers for the continued support. Alisha, dont miss the movie. Its one of the best to come up in recent times. No dumb comedy. Damo, yes i agree we sometimes tend to get so overgrossed in our own professions that we overlook the simple lessons that others have for us. adios
Thank you Lyla for the encouragement. Its great to be back @ MS but im stuck with my projects, hence my absence. Well, Lyla and all the other M$ers a very happy new year to you all. May all your ambitions be fulfilled.
Commented on davieboy's review
long time since i read a humorously serious revu. thanx for tips. this wud be my first resolution to go on cards this yr. axe is a must now. keep riting
Rated on sona_s's review
Commented on sona_s's review
Hi sona, Welcome to the MS fraternity. Good review. But some points before you write the next revu. Well, we(MS) dont control the storyline or the way the serial proceeds. It would have been more useful if you could tell us more about the cast, the story. A general idea would be much better. Read More...
Hi, mr.balagi, mr.amjad, mrs.medha : thank you reading through my review and commenting on it. and im really happy that i could get my message across and well understood. and im more content that there are more people out there who think about the topic in the same way as I. thank you for yo Read More...
Followed just-did-it
Commented on just-did-it's review
That was a great rev. I liked the lyrical beauty in the rev. You write so beautifully. And i really love that. i know the complete story of Dil Se but i never got a chance to watch it. will make time soon keep going. adios shashanka
Hey, That was an awesome review. My day started on a unusually bright note today thanx to u. Im still trying to get up from the floor after having fallen from the chair laughing. slightly bruised but its ok. And i never knew K had so much positivimsm in them. wel, u have changed my world man. u ha Read More...
Thanx Jedi, That was another sign of genius, absent-mindedness??? Yeah, that WAS a Bajaj Ad. Not a Hero Honda. I stand corrected. Thank you. Adios Kopos
Commented on misstubelight's review
hi ruchi, i understand how you feel. but then to err is human, right? so, be divine and forgive them. as everyone has the right to freedom of speech, even the reviewers do. there is nothing to be taken too personal about it. but yes.there should be limitations and that can only be exercise Read More...
Commented on Cticize's review
good rev pras, i do think there are more worst commercials that the ones you pointed out. reasons were the ones that really mattered. it would have been way better if there was more indentation... keep more of it coming d00d. u rock. adios. kopos
Hi Cticize I agree with u in the case of the Chevrolet Ad. That is the reason why i talked only about the music and visuals. A layman would never know what it was actually intended for. btw, what do u mean by 'shatter more keys, PRAS' ? Adios. kopos
Hi amjad(i guess its ok calling you that!), Thanx for your comment on my review. These comments keep me going. Looking forward to seeing more of your comments in the future. adios kopos
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LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
Raghul Rajan (@ragh1489MouthShut Verified Member)
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Madhav Bahadur (@madhavbahadur25MouthShut Verified Member)
Rikant Pitti (@EaseMyTrip_CareMouthShut Verified Member)
ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr.Nishchal Bhatt (@nishchalbhattahMouthShut Verified Member)
Surya Pandian (@suryapandianMouthShut Verified Member)
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KamalHindujaAuthor (@KamalHindujaAuthorMouthShut Verified Member)