I happened to buy this book while on a train journey. While going through it, I found the content interesting. And hence, I decided to buy their annual subscription.
On subscribing for annual pack, I got 2 subscriptions well on time. But then, the game started. They stopped sending my issues. I emailed them about the missing issue, and they sent me the current and the old issue together(what is the point of getting it 17 days later). For the next issue, again the same thing happened.
Now I emailed them twice, they ignored the emails. I called them up and all the blame was put on GPO as the issues are sent through book-post. 3 recent most issues are still pending to be delivered to me.
They are asking me to follow up with the post office without giving me any information about the dispatch. 5 days have already passed after I last called them up and I am yet to get my issues.
I would strongly advice my fellow readers to never subscribe for their annual/tri-annual packs, you will lose all your money.