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Member Since:Oct 28, 2013
2 MS Points
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Don't rely on cashback offers
Reviewed Amazon
I have been an amazon.in customer for pretty long. I have done many purchases on amazon and almost all the transactions have been wonderful. In 2015, in the Read more...
Don't get fooled by taking their AMC
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Aquaguard Classic UV Water Purifier
I had my AMC renewal on 13th Apr 2015. The candles were replaced on the payment of renewal charges. Right from the same day, that purified water was so bad thRead more...
Quality getting degraded, worse than local brands
Reviewed Tips on Tiffin Box Set
Milton used to be a brand name a while ago. But the same is not true for now. I had been using a local brands casserole for the past 9 years with 0 probRead more...
Don't buy their annual subscription
Reviewed Capitalmarket
I happened to buy this book while on a train journey. While going through it, I found the content interesting. And hence, I decided to buy their annual subscrRead more...
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Aquaguard i-Nova Water Purifier
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Pathetic after sales service. Resolved not to buy your AMC any more. So much time has passed and nobody cares to resolve the issue even after committment.
the earliest time has not arrived yet after 3 days of promise.
The problem is not fixed yet, just that you guys forced me to shut my mouth with your lab report, which somehow says that the water is good. Being fed up buying bisleri bottles from the market, I registered a service request and the technician today told me that the filter is already damaged and I n Read More...
Dear Eureka Forbes, I have been a customer of Eureka Forbes for almost 9.5 years and time and again, it has been proved that if a problem pops up, eureka forbes is not at all eager to face the problem happily. I had my AMC contract renewal on 13th Apr 2015. The candles were replaced on the payment o Read More...
Rated on mgwavhal's review
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