well certain people thought Daniel craig could not pull it off, but he has and with style and in many ways much more macho than earlier bond.
For the first time I felt in this particular movie...... true meaning of "license to kill". no fancy gadget, no fancy cars , just man to man fight , is what makes Daniel craig :casino royale totally different from old sean connery, Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan movies.
with an opening sequence that will stop you from blinking for 20 mins. and these twenty min is what explains new meaning of james bond. actions are more aggressive and violent. Daniel craig lives up to the character with adding some extreme dimensions, chasing villains instead of shooting and using hard punch instead of using gun to scare villains.
one particluar thing I really missed is "MR Q" and gadgets. But to surprise me bond uses only gadget .... sony Ericson mobile that too in really simple why. and I guess this is really a smart move. I personally got bored of all that stuff ..... big tracing device, huge screen, omega watches....all other suff that we all are use to see in regular james bond movies or any other action movies.
Casino royale is all about 21th century movie and totally focus on young viewers and old bond fans. why would you want the same old james bond movies.... were all the stuns is based on some gadget and fancy cars.
but what really made james bond to change and the change that is acceptable is because of number of super hero movies released this year......like superman or spiderman more actions and trills. it must be a real challenge for the director Martin Campbell to make casino royal to stand and compete. I understand, comparison has no base but this bond movie is much more real to life than what I expected.
Dont read reviews, just go and see it, and tell your friends what youthought, you wont be disappointed.