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Member Since:Aug 09, 2006
0 MS Points
I love my life. long drive and music.
About Me
Education: Completed my graduation
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Daniel craig is 21st century james bond.........
Reviewed Casino Royale Movie
well certain people thought Daniel craig could not pull it off, but he has and with style and in many ways much more macho than earlier bond. For the first tRead more...
Bugs and flies in internet explorer 7
Reviewed Microsoft Internet Explorer
The most anticipated Microsoft internet explorer 7 is not that refined to grab attention from firefox users...... Much hyped and talked about internet securiRead more...
LOSTstill 2 season to go....
Reviewed Lost - TV Serial Star World TV Channel
The concept of people been kept away (abandoned ) on an island is impossible to believe. no doubt that writer and directors have done their job in excellent mRead more...
Reliance India mobile
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Before writing this review I read all the review posted here about reliance mobile and service, and most of them are true and believe me it happens with otherRead more...
True Value Cars......
Reviewed Buying a Second Hand Car
*Recently my dad some how agreed to buy me a car. it was already decided which car is best for me. but you know how stuff works. I had to go through all the oRead more...
I don't need Internet Explorer
Reviewed Mozilla Firefox
i do lots of surfing and I enjoy high speed internet access. i access Internet for lots of information and most of my surfing is text only and I really want Read more...
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I dont understand what honda people do with there engine...... so smooth and efficient. Riding unicorn is much different than riding any other bike....Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on pushsoft's review
Commented on pushsoft's review
first of all i am not just saying this b'coz i am fan for Honda bikes. i have unicorn and this month my bike got 1 year old....and i still love it.... i can't understand..... how u can ride bike in third gear above 40km/hr...... riding bike on such high rpm for long time will definitely cost u Read More...
Commented on own review
first thing i am not from maruti. i am a student but i have been using different vechile and i have driven nearly all car on indian road. i belive i have mentioned in my review...... that this is only About my experience in recent time. i had already planned my car but i still went to see Read More...
Rated on deepakkgarg's review
Rated on apbasu's review
Rated on khushiks's review
Rated on jigar6888's review
Rated on poojak's review
Rated on uniwear's review
Rated on vijay01's review
Rated on soniarun10's review
Rated on kiranhh's review
Rated on annonymous's review
Commented on annonymous's review
I am from south.... but i was born and brought up at mumbai.... so my family is more of mumbai lingo than traditional cheenai look. i can understand my mother tounge but i am not comfortable with speaking tamil.After 10 years i went to my native place... madras city.... for the first time i meet my Read More...
Rated on zuneeta's review
Commented on zuneeta's review
i know you are big fan of this serial..... but my take on this serial is only one thing It sucks, COME ON!!!! how many times a person can get married..... 1...2....3.....no there is not limit for it. i hate it!!!! :(
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