What do u say about a book which makes u question your own identity and challenges everything u had ever believed.A book which would change the way u had realised God. A book which endorses the existence of aliens!!! The book can be described best in the authors own words, IT TOOK COURAGE TO WRITE THIS BOOK & REQUIRES COURAGE TO READ IT AS WELL.
A book which is a result of researches across the globe and beyond it. contains facts which would only leave u chewing ur fingers in disbelief. a must read for any book lover.
The author in the book has made up a very strong case in support of his ideas and I couldnt figure out how to disagree with him.Evidence about his views in the book have been collected from world over and some of them trace their source to Mahabharat and Bible as well.I would like to produce the introduction of the book as I found it very interesting and cos of it I went on to read and like this unconventional stuff which otherwise I would never have touched.
The introduction describes how if we were to go to some planet where civilisation was remote, we would be treated as Gods who came on fire spitting chariots(our spaceships of course) and converted day into night(with our flash lights).We would also solve many of their problems and give medicines for the diseases from which they suffer and then we would return promising to visit again. The story on that planet would be passed from generations to generations with concoctions here and there and we would , no matter how sinful we are, be immortalised as Gods on that planet.
Warning:Readers cant stop thinking about the book and its contents once they have read it.