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Member Since:Dec 22, 2002
0 MS Points
I am, like so many of you, a happy go lucky kind of a person. I love playing golf,listening to meatloaf, watching football and going on long drives. My dream car is Tata Safari on a realistic scale but my imagination permits me to fancy a red merc sports model.Books are my first love, fave authors being Erich von Daniken, Frederick Forsyth,Carl Sagan,etc... I can't stand the novels by Jeffery Archer,Sidney Sheldon,Danielle Steel and Jackie Collins.I am a die hard fan of Shah Rukh Khan , Anil Kapoor and Nicholas Cage. Among my fave directors are Spielberg, Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Ramu. I like people who are witty. My fave holidaying place would be Guwahati the capital of Assam and the other north eastern states of India.My message to everyone: ''Love me the most , When I deserve it the least Thats when I need it the most''. Books, movies, golf , music...
About Me
Education: B.E.
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Aimless watching Lakshya
Reviewed Lakshya
Lakshya… the word is Lakshya.Farhan Akhtar’s new flick about a guy who finds himself after 24 years and 18000 feet (or was it 18 years and 24000 fRead more...
An Honest Account
Reviewed Truth, Love and a Little Malice - Khushwant Singh
I was in no mood of writing a review, being out of touch for almost an year now but somebody made me write it and this review is dedicated to her. ?If you doRead more...
Have we seen this before???
Reviewed Gangajal
The Quest for a Hit : Oh what would our desperate Bollywood not do to make a film run….I had heard politicians taking help of film personalities for thRead more...
The Ugly Game of Power
Reviewed Satta
Yesterday having nothing else to do I walked down to the nearby video library to pick up a couple of movies for the weekend. But being a Saturday that it was Read more...
His Days..
Reviewed My Days - R K Narayan
Look around you. Look at all the people, their faces. Observe the expressions. Behind those expressions is a secret lying hidden. Each face has its own story Read more...
A Masterpiece
Reviewed Guide, The - R K Narayan
R.K.Narayan has been best known for putting human emotions in words. In all his books one identifies with each and every character. In this book (which I beliRead more...
Go for something else
Reviewed L.A. Connections : Power Obsession Murder Revenge - Jackie Collins
This was the first and the last book of Jackie Collins that I read, such was the revulsion the book created in my mind for the author. I found the book to be Read more...
Prizes- A tale of human desires
Reviewed Prizes - Erich Segal
In the arena of life and death, the world’s most brilliant doctors and scientists vie desperately – and – ruthlessly for the ultimate prize Read more...
Compulsively readable
Reviewed Devil's Alternative, The - Frederick Forsyth
The Devil’s Alternative is another masterpiece spy thriller by the veteran of this field Fredrick Forsyth. It is a page-turner and provides genuine enteRead more...
My experiments with spirituality....
Reviewed Autobiography Of A Yogi - Paramhansa Yogananda
Jai Gurudev This was one of the first books I ever read. When I read it for the first time I was only 14 years old. At that time the book was more like a faiRead more...
My Hi Fi Five
Reviewed Five Best Reviewers on MouthShut
When you are relatively new on mouthshut and your first four or five reviews hardly fair any better than getting a Somewhat RecommendedRead more...
The best in the world......
Reviewed Indian Army
God was in the process of creating the universe. And he was explaining to his subordinates ........ Look everything should be in balanceRead more...
Taste the blunder
Reviewed Are Soft Drinks Healthy
Summer is at its peak and so are the advertisements of soft drinks and their demand and why not! Soft drinks are good to taste, provide a refreshment, help yoRead more...
Know your world...
Reviewed Cosmos - Carl Sagan
The time will come when diligent research over long periods will bring to light things which now lie hidden.A single lifetime,even though entirely devoted to Read more...
A thriller to the core (edited)
Reviewed Fist of God, The - Frederick Forsyth
When the recent strike of U.S.A and U.K. on Iraq started I had an urge to know the backdrop of the whole event and about Saddam Hussein in detail and the gulfRead more...
Smart kid (with a tiger) in town
Reviewed Calvin and Hobbes
Its laughter all the time with Calvin and Hobbes. Its my all time favourite comic strip and I go into depression if I miss even one feature of Calvin and HobbRead more...
I havent seen a channel like this aaj tak
Reviewed Aaj Tak
The Aaj Tak news channel shows everything but news. it has the most unprofessional crew I have ever seen with dishevelled news readers and most bizarre sense Read more...
Watch chalte chalte sote sote
Reviewed Chalte Chalte -2003 Bollywood
SRKs new movie and I dont go to watch it - thats impossible and to walk out of the hall in the middle of his film is even more impossible so I kepRead more...
Chose sandaas over ANDAAZ
Reviewed Andaaz - New
Although it is late for a new yr resolution but better late than never, I have decided that I will not watch any Darshan brothers movie even if it wins Read more...
Go ahead fool yourself
Reviewed You Can Win - Shiv Khera
I dont understand why do people go for such self help books do they under estimate their own capabilities or do they think that people like shiv khera can makRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on freakyfriend's review
nice review!! how does the screen version end? i have only seen the director's cut
Commented on rockacola_lauz's review
hey man!! great review!! just saw the movie with the ending where the child chokes himself in the womb...where do i get hold of the other three versions which have diff endings or don tell me u were talking bout the way ashton ends up in the movie under 4 diff circumstances
Commented on Retro's review
nice review...but i'm sorry for my incapability to agree with u!! i felt that the movie was perfect on all counts..
Rated on Retro's review
Commented on shivibhatia's review
welcome to mouthshut.. that was a decent review but i suggest u go thru reviews of other people to get an idea of what a good review consists of.. and then like priyankav said its not fare to compare a movie with the book n then judge it...anyways well done for starters.. keep typing harsh
Rated on shivibhatia's review
hi avneet that was an amazing review for a starter..i'm sure u'll write even better reviews in future..looking forward to read them.. n ofcourse i'll make sure i pick up this particular book n read it.. keep typing harsh
Followed shivibhatia
Rated on real_mcoy's review
Followed samsat
Commented on real_mcoy's review
Your review was good... but a bit too long... N apart from that small last name fiasco of Saif's ex the review was decent and has really got me wanting to see the movie keep writing harsh
Followed real_mcoy
hey mcoy, let me first congratulate u on becoming a 'mouthshutter' and writing a wonderful first review. personally i wouldnt mind travelling standing in a plane as long as i have to pay peanuts for it considering the deplorable state of railways in india. anyways great review, nicely and l Read More...
Commented on killerwhale8's review
i really liked your review... though i havent seen the movie and had much expectations from it, your review has seriously made me rethink about my plans to go out and watch this another Hollywood inspired flick. Though i am sure the movie would never the less do well thanx to the hype media creat Read More...
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