Never judge the book by its cover (or by its promotional campaign). This one is all true for Aveo.
Let me first go feature by feature before I shred its popularity to pieces.
Design & Style(4/5): This is one area where the Aveo stands apart and probably miles ahead in all the cars that’s in its class or above or below. Probably the next comparable design will start in the Mercs and BMWs. Impeccably styled to catch eyes and stop them for atleast 2 minutes, especially the lady folks…
Engine & Performance(2/5): This car comes in 1.4 and 1.6 variant. Don’t believe the stats that comes in the brochure. It IS JUST NOT THERE IN REALITY!!! The 1.4 is the only engine which has some semblance of a 1000+ CC engine!! Both the engines don’t have that power to pull at even 1500 RPM. The action starts ONLY after 2000RPM. Compare that to the Fiesta which starts vrooming at 800!! Best of all the 1.6 is rated at 102 BHP!!!!! Its supposed to be bought for performance, according to Saif & Rani!!!
The only saving point is the torque is high so you need’nt come down to 2nd gear when u cross a speed-bump.
Gear Box(1/5): I read somewhere that Aveo has inherited the Optra’s gearbox with minute modifications to the gear ratio. Without going into details, the gearbox SUCKS BIGTIME. Why?
Long gear throws (especially 0 to 1.. remember Ambassador?)
Notchy and arrogant gear shift and at times you need a can of Redbull to change from 2nd to 3rd.
I checked with the dealer and tried in 3 different cars and it was the same. (He asked me to look at the “whole package” and not this “issue” alone!!)
Interiors & Convenience(3/5): Well designed two-tone finish Interior gives this car that Italian look. But the leg room in the rear makes you want for more. The car has the best ground clearance at 1800mm. I think it will clear any ugly bump in our famous Bangalore streets, unlike the Honda which kisses every bumps’ rear-side. The air-condition is pretty decent, but in the 1.6 it eats away the “whatever left” BHP normally is available!! So don’t climb a steep lane from ZERO in the 1.6 with the AC on, you will know why?
Instruments(2.5/5): Remember the Voltmeter in your physics lab? Well I cannot think of a better example for the dials. And the parking lights button is faaaar from the driver’s reach!! Here comes the best: The HORN. You have to touch the EXACT CENTER of the steering wheel on the Chevy logo to honk. Even a millimeter away it wont honk… I think Chevy is trying to reduce the road honks with this technology and make you a better driver?
Safety(3/5): Well atleast they put the airbags into this car. But it comes only in the 1.6 LT. Rest is all industry standard and normal for all cars of its class.
The “Whole Package”: If you are that “stylist” who wants to draw eyes or a single-and-looking kinda guy, then Aveo is the car for you.
But are you that person who can feel the rhythm of the 4 cylinders? Are you that person who can feel even that small pot hole your car rides over in your feet? Well, in that case you can let this car pass. For Im sure if GM has any meaning for customer feedbacks, they will surely come out with a variant (patch version?) sometime within a year with these problems corrected. Till then stay with your compact… or else… Go Fida!! <grin>
Update : 03-July-2006
Due to "uproar" that Im a Fiesta fan and I hate Aveo and for the comment that I "havent driven an aveo". Here are my comments... I have a colleague of mine who owns an Aveo 1.6 LT and I have driven it around Bangalore for around 30-45 minutes in uphill and potholed roads and also on silky smooth Mysore highway... My review was based on that and my Testdrive experiences. I have driven 1.6(2 diff cars), 1.4 ( 2 diff cars)...
To validate my "data" as it was questioned Im forced to quote this review from another site for your conclusions... This review is hosted in the link
Quote >> "The 1.6 is the same DOHC 16 Valve E-Tech motor found under the hood of the Optra, but despite the hydraulic mountings, it feels less refined here, probably due to the fact that the Aveo has less mass with which to absorb the residual vibrations. Throttle response is not great below 2000rpm either."
"The Aveo doesn’t enjoy being driven hard, however. The gearbox, which is notchy and barely tolerable at low speeds, absolutely refuses to be hurried and the motor labours at the top of the power band and sounds strained. Actual performance is not great either. The 1.6 puts out a claimed 102 bhp, but the car feels nowhere as quick as it should be. "