Category Expert
Celebrity Writer
Star Writer
Update : 27.June.2006
IM BACK!! Thanks to the persistence of great_guns (and his showers of praise hehehe)... Now, Im back...

Update : 05.August.2003
Wow! my review on Kinetic Stlye is Review of the Day today!! Is there something called Cloud 10? Because Im there now... Think the next target for me now is Star Writer!!! Anyway, thank MS once again for selecting my review as ROTD... And thanks you guys again for all your support and comments....

Update : 29.July.2003
Today, I found my picture in Best Debut page, quite accidentally!!! It really felt very great. I thank all those who were very supportive and critical on my reviews and I hope to retain your confidence in future. Thanks a million to MS too...

Yahooooo... just found out that I have won the Just Chill Out contest. Im in Cloud 9. Already wifey has declared ’’No dinner at home. Going out’’... This is great. Thanks all for reading my movie reviews and thanks to MS for selecting despite strong competition...
     Im a married guy at the verge of loosing my ’’20 something’’ title. Working for a IT Major which makes International Banking Product (by now u should have guessed it, No Not Infosys). Im settled in Bangalore just because it was a pleasant city compared to Chennai....

     I like talking to people endlessly. Especially arguing(!?!) on some issues or facts. Also I love writing specifically critical writing. For a long time I was wondering where to express my appreciation, disgust, angst and desperation on something I saw or used. When a friend of mine introduced MS to me, I felt liberated and I have been using this as a tool to vent out my feelings. I really owe a lot to MS.

    I can speak 4 languages other than English & Hindi : (Tamil, Telegu, Bengali, Kannada). I know you have the question ’’HOW?’’. Chennai is where I was born, Teleugu because Im a part ’’Gulti’’. I spent first 6 years of my work-life in SAIL (West Bengal), so I learned Bengali. And now Im picking up Kannada because Im settled in Bangalore!!!

   Thanks for visiting my profile page and oh by the way, please leave a line or two in the comments section of my reviews. Cause that will tell me If I suck or said something wrong!!!

Happy Reviewing.....

Venkat. Webpage developing, Collage in Adobe, Watchine only English Movies and Serials, Writing reviews, Complaining about anything under the sun and many more things.....