I have been waiting for this movie for quite a while. The reasons being
1) Its a HANSAL MEHTA film. I like the dudes taste & perspective of films......I thought DIL PE MAT LE YAAR was a brilliant film which our dumbass audience couldnt get it.
2) The coolest DUDE I have come across till now in bombay- SHASHANK GHOSH(ex-creative director [V] & creator of quick Gun Murugan) recomended the film to me 6 months back when I went to him looking for work.
3) There was tremendous buzz in the industry aboput Prashant Narayans work in the film. And I like the dude from his Tv work too.
So what do I think after watching the film? I thought it was a damn neat film. The concept is DONNIE BRASCO inspired. The acting in the film is superb. Esp KAY KAY who gives another rocking performance. I cant wait to see him as LUKE in PAANCH. But I thought Prashant NArayan did over act in parts. I think he wanted to do a Bhiku Matre kinda impact which is quite fair.The Inspector is also very good who is KAY KAYs friend.
The film starts with MENON(KAY KAY) infiltrating a Mafia gang. He becomes involved with them & wins their trust. Esp GIRISH(prashant) whos sisters life He had saved. Then as expected bugger falls in love with the babe & invites a whole lotta trouble & emotional turmoil upon himself.
I need to mention 1 thing here. I think Hansal did a mistake here. Kay kAy is shown to make the first move & falling for the girl which I think should have been the other way round to make the whole thing believable. Kay kAy is a cop & should have known the sh1t he will be in if he sleeps with Girishs sis & falls in love with her. If She had approached him & Men being Men, Kay KAy would have then fallen in love Then the whole thing would have been more believable.
Anyway now about the film. It has a very dark look. And Hansal has given full freedom to the editor Apurve Asrani(satya fame). He the dude has experimented a lot. The Theme song is damn good. The background score has everything, even TRANCE at times which was cool. But that Item song was bad & totally avoidable but I guess the illeterate financer & distrubutors. Thankfully the song winds up in 2 minutes & then there is only 1 song after that. The film is very fast paced. U wont even know it will be interval.
The problem with the film is the whole scene is being shown already in SATYA which was such a masterpiece even RAMU wont be able to make again. And people r gonna compare it with SaTYA which is really unfiortunate. I must add here my friend with whom I watched the film was super impressed with the film & esp PRASHANTs acting. He had no idea what the film is gonna be like & had zero expectations. So Its definitely a great film to watch.
BTW if Hansal is reading this Im the same dude whom u emailed for writing a very emotional review on DIL PE MATLE YAAR on another website. And I had arrived in mumbai to learn film making & were one of the 1st guys I wanted to work with. But U gave me kela by giving some landline no. & never being there. I think u thought im some journo. Anyways good luck for ur next few films. I am waiting for ur AMERICAN PIE inspired YEH KYA HO RAHA HAI.
BTW Why isnt Everybody Says Im Fine on this site....guyz thats a knock out film....i am gonna watch it again. RAHUL BOSE has impressed me.