Last week only I came across this book & belive me its must read one.
The book has been compiled & edited with much efforts (almost 2 yrs) to bring the book at this standard with assorted real stories.
There are stories in here about dreams realized & loves lost . There are real stories on relationship ( like first love, first kiss...yes..romantic ones) & on friendship(ppl telling u those experiences when they came across their true friend ), on relationships , on learning , on family & lots more..
There are also stories when ppl repent their past because of treatment given by them to other ppl & in contrary how those ppl behaved nice with them .
-------Here is one of the story (edited & compiled by me :D )---------
Betty ann is a girl in 9th grade living in a Cleveland, Ohio . She changes her school to Richmond, virginia .
There was a girl called Susan Henderson in this new school whose English composition always praised by her teachers . She was the writer of the class & everyone was very proud of her & her weekely story is always choosen to read in the class .
One day, to everyones surprised...madam chooses Betty anns story as her story is much more better than that of Susans.
The teacher came to the part of in the Betty Anns composition where Langston Hughes writes a poem
about how he likes watermelon so much that if he should meet the queen of England , hed be proud to offer her a piece.
That was when all class burst out laughing imagining Queen of England eating a piece of watermelon.
After that she became the class joke.What she wore, what she said, whate she ate somehow always used to give the reason to crack a joke.
She started getting sick a lot . The author says , when she meet to Betty Anns mother when she went to Betty Anns home, her mother told the author, Why dont you girls like Betty Ann? She likes you...
The author says this question made me thought as nobody had ever asked me that question .
Betty Anns parents moved her to another school..but it was too late...
The author heard later that shed had a nervous breakdown.
Onece, years later when the author was heading home , she saw Betty Abb in the doctors office. Betty Ann didnt even recognized her.
well..this was taken from the friendship section...but there are so many other sections to read from.
What I liked the most abt the book is descriptive nature of the stories including reasons lead them to take particular action & thought came in their mind at that we get to know the everyones side...
This book can change your life by learning on others experiences..
If you get a chance..plz read it