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Member Since:Jun 12, 2005
0 MS Points
I am a very energetic and happy person, who likes to have a gud time and I love to laugh,:D I think passion for smthing & having a goal in life is verry important... I am honest just like my comments :D. ToO MaNy To SaY....SpOrTs,ReAdInG,MsN,CoMpUter,HaNgInG OuT WiTh FrIeNds,RaDiO,MuSic
About Me
Education: MCA
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All About Vaze College
Reviewed Kelkar Education Trust's VG Vaze College of Arts Science and Commerce - Mumbai
Here I have got opportunity to tell everyone of u interested in knowing Vaze-Kelkar college, Mulund (E) located at slightly desolated place from the main cityRead more...
If u get a chance...read plz
Reviewed Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul
Last week only I came across this book & belive me its must read one. The book has been compiled & edited with much efforts (almost 2 yrs) to bring the book Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on pooja.m09's review
thx for your comment..at least someone appreciated my work :) ..seems like you had a BIG FIGHT here..lolloolll..
Rated on pooja.m09's review
Hi..myself is the ex student of Vaze cg..as u must have read my review.. seems very excited.. I could imagine what r u writing abt as i have done my graduation from kelkar..so enjoyed reading dancing on the floor is banned?..i dnt understand why but it could be cause of misbehaviour ppl do..w Read More...
Commented on a_i_s_h_w_a_r_y_a's review
Hi.. I liked the topic u choosed to write & ur style of writing.. its true some students do have some childish fear or inferiority complex when it comes to college like xavires....specially junior students ..new in college world...lol And regarding Malhar..I don't knw why media gives so Read More...
Rated on a_i_s_h_w_a_r_y_a's review
Commented on apsara419's review
good review but not gonna watch serial..ekata kapoor sucks keep it up
Commented on SarahA's review
When I seen this show for the first time ..I got surprised that how can this be allowed at this time ?..when most of the ppl are still awake.. The show reveals what can be said as lewd & obscene ...where women shakind up their body & men shaking up everything...its really vulgar...
Commented on ruchika_sri's review
I would vote for worst actor to zayed khan (hope i spelled right)... nice review..
I haven't seen any of 'MTV LOVE KE LIYE'..but after reading ur review I hardly feel to watch such insane program. They could have made this program much more interesting by some innovative ideas ...but what it seems now is just stupidious.. neways..nice & meticulous review..keep it up
Commented on simplyswapna's review
Hey! This review is really usefull as u have mentioned the website... I was too trying for the CAT...but now I have to move on for MCA. neways.. Liked the way you write..spontaneous... Liked the Jassi's review tooo....I too wonder...do those ppl think we are dumb ???
Commented on snigdhandream's review
Hey! as I went through your review..I was amazed to see how meticulously u have written everything....congrats !!!! Yeah..digcam is really usefull...even we too take it while going outside...no tension of roll + u can delete pic...& see if it has come as per ur like... Really ..a nice review Read More...
Commented on iamsonali's review
Hey! I totally agree with u.. When I saw it I remained completely astonished by seeing logic of ideas coming from abhishek's superb (???)head ...& the idea to sell Taj Mahal was the top of this idiotic drama. Thks to God I did not spend a single penny for this kind of ridiculous film..
Rated on manisha_p's review
Commented on own review
To chandra (Chand_tare) : looolll...I would say, yes ! Cause u ppl write review so meticulously ..I thought lets give a try.. Thx for ur comment..It's really inspiring.. thx a lot To Sujai: I hope u will get some idea about the college... Thx for the pat on my back.. To Kishor(ksb123 Read More...
Rated on snehat's review
Commented on green_eyed_monster's review
Hey! I just got to read ur review .. I would try to answer on my experiences.. Fooling gals is sooo easy (ofcourse not all...but almost )..all u need is a car or bike (or sometimes it works without these things too) ..then just talk nicely with them...try to crack some jokes...say hi-hello ev Read More...
Rated on fishy80's review
Commented on farawaytree's review
U were at xavier's in 90's ....still you have managed to write soooooo very well giving idea of 'Hunt For Guys' of gals that time..( U NAUGHTY GALS ...lol ) Also I really admire the way u categorized the guys.... if u don't mind I would like to request for more reviews on ur college experiences Read More...
Commented on chand_tare's review
Its so much fun to read ur reviews... Sometimes..I feel to laught..dont knw why..lol So..u like energy so much ?...wow How can u ppl write so much reviews..I have written 1 ..now no chance of writing for ages ....lol... neways....energy is really sweet...yammi !!! :D c ya prasad
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