Review : Well, just one err...two words to describe that movie...what with a candy factory right at the start of the movie and Mr. Potts food processing invention, I would say this is one lip-smacking treat you could ever give children. My affair with this movie began as a kid...maybe five...maybe six years. Don;t remeber the right age but what I do remember is that it was one of the treats wed get on our Open House day (whether, we would do well or not...ahem...i was one of the bright ones back in those days!), four times a year and bonus during the vacations... Got a strong olfactory sense, so I can actually step out and see my siblings and I sprawled on the floor, eyes glued onto the Tv as Dad would insert the cassette in our old faithful VCR...adrenaline trickling as 20th Century FOX would boom into my little ears and then the movie would begin. funny, but there are so amny parts of the movie that I dont recall the beginning where there is a race of some sorts. Its only when I saw the movie again after years of cursing ol VCR for retiring so early, this time on DVD, did I actually notice that part of the movie. Also, did not realise as a kid that half of the movie (all the Baron Bomburst ... childcatcher....toymaker)stuff was actually good ol Potts telling his kids a story! Youd get movie reviews on any moviewebsite, no doubt. This is one of my all time favourite musicals (i still am a kid at heart, so fantasy thrills me to the bits, thanks to darling Enid Blyton, bless her soul) and am sure decades do not make such a great I can vouch for kids today...the movie is filled with exciting adventure, an awesome soundtrack, innocent fun and enjoyment to beat the holiday blues. happened to catch a Hindi version of it today on POGO, while surfing through the channels Well, tickled me whole because the characters had a typical Indian speaking voice Anglicised singing voice (the songs were ...thankfully...left to the English version!!! my, what a laugh it would have been to hear Granpa singing P.O.S.H. or the cast singing the title song, for that matter...the only one that wouldnt have been that great a laugh would be the song that Van Dyke sings to Howe when they pretend to be toys (it would be a very typical Bollywood-ishtyle song) if you ask me. Well, Ian Fleming, Im sure youd agree with me that all in all, the movie is Truly Scrumptious!