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Member Since:Apr 27, 2004
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Circling in-orbit
Reviewed Inorbit Mall - Mumbai
The first time I went to Inorbit was just about a year ago. Was making a trip to NZ and had to pick out a new wardrobe ;) I was struck by its majesctic exteriRead more...
All shook up!
Reviewed Elvis Presley
Im a wannabe Elvis movie starlet--who wouldnt? To shake a hip and pout a pout with the King himself? I grew up with a childish crush on Presley afRead more...
How to have a pleasant road trip this summer
Reviewed Planning a Road Trip
“We’re all going on a summer holiday…” crooned dear Sir Cliff Richard merrily as he drove away in his double-decker bus years ago. Well, so are you…, you thinRead more...
The Phantom Of The Opera is here
Reviewed The Phantom Of the Opera
A male friend of mine who is a brilliant pianist and accompanies me on a number of occasions once played me a piece that seemed so familiar,yet haunting. It wRead more...
Up the Faraway Tree!
Reviewed Favourite Books Of Childhood
My favourite books in childhood? Its gotta be all of the ones written by the greatest story-teller of the 20th century! (How I know that...IRead more...
A Hoppy Education system indeed!
Reviewed Kangaroo Kids - Mumbai
Kangaroo Kids is a name associated and pooh-poohed as one of those elitist thingys, but for once, I wish I was a kid today so that I could get thaRead more...
Lost and Found-wouldn't mind being lost there!
Reviewed The History Channel
Around this time, last year, my friend and I were waiting on a claustrphobic railway platform (dont remember which one) and we happened to look at a hoaRead more...
Reviewed St. Xavier's College-Ranchi
Well..i know Ive just written a review on xavs...but here am I again...thought id share with you something I wrote back when I was part of that labyrinth;) juRead more...
Truly Scrumptious!
Reviewed Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Review : Well, just one err...two words to describe that movie...what with a candy factory right at the start of the movie and Mr. Potts food processingRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on krishmunn's review
Copied and pasted krishmunn's comment to my post on Kangaroo Kids titled A hoppy Education System--- 'Appears that you are one of the school management person since you have given your contact details. Please say in clear, precise terms if the incident mentioned by archer is true or false.' T Read More...
may i suggest that you do not make impuslive assumptions about who is and isnt on the school managemment? I happened to know of a pair of twins who studied in the KK school and having been impressed with how they blossomed in their early years, I wrote that. As for the remark about the phone number Read More...
Rated on jambutty's review
Rated on Cindy's review
Rated on artsed's review
Rated on somakaramjee's review
Commented on somakaramjee's review
hey i tried this out...very yummy and its out in the market just when Im sick and tired of consumin salt (soooo evident in Maggi)--tried 2 flavors--tomatocheese and sour cream and onion...loved themboth..must try the others
Rated on PROFBBMOHANTY's review
Rated on sweediv's review
Rated on prkumar's review
Commented on abababbey's review
I so agree with you--been a couple of times to TGIF in Mumbai and believe me, except for the interiors and all the antique looking gizmos glued all over...there was nothing else that was commendable about the place...
Rated on abababbey's review
Rated on skmm's review
Rated on jay1965's review
Rated on gh12's review
Commented on rohubhai's review
you know, i initially hated the ad...i was like how worse could a jingle get?? Watching it a couple of times and now Im ok with it...don't like it totally either
Commented on SRNAIR's review
hey...how i envy you! I am a 80s born--but a 50s/60s wannabe! And believe i still listen to all the songs youve mentioned in your review...how i wish it was on the jukebox tho
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Rayan_Johnson (@rayan_johnson880MouthShut Verified Member)
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Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
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Pokkisha Posha (@pokkishabMouthShut Verified Member)
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Akashaditya Lama (@akashadityalamaMouthShut Verified Member)
Nirant Dekate (@noddy989MouthShut Verified Member)
Shriya rastogi (@shriyajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Sumit Rai (@sumitrai079MouthShut Verified Member)
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Prabhavathi Avirneni (@PrabhavathiAvirnenMouthShut Verified Member)
Pradeep Mehta (@pradeepmehta16MouthShut Verified Member)
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saharia sagor (@sagorsaharia004MouthShut Verified Member)