If you are planning to buy an used car. please avoid going to local dealers. specially if you are in bangalore. avoid people like Lake View Cars(near Jayanagar Yediur lake), some time they change name to become Shidhartha cars etc. the owner is a person called DILIP, also his son lokks after the business .he will behave very well .
But cheat you like anything, they rewind the miledge meter, to make 1, 12k run vehicle as just 12k . and you end up loosing on an average Rs. 30-40k . Beacuse you will pay extra for less run vehicle and will not get any return during sale as a over-run vehicle. so loosing both way .
Also you will spend money thinking you have got an asset for long run, which is actually waste of money, after some time you will realise that this car is not worth keep .
Better you should go to Maruti True value, or automart kind of way. or loose money.