I have a wife(why not) who I married in December 1974. She was 19 I was 24. I was engaged to her when she was just 17 and I was 22. Funny. She had 2 kids by the time she was 23. Now my dotty is 25 and single. More funny. If my dotty were married at 19 my wife would have been a grandmother at age 46! To this day many think my dotty n my wife are sisters!
Why did I chase her to the ends of the Bandra? Coz she was the most beautiful woman I ever saw, both outside and inside at age 19 on mother earth!
My Navy frens still envy the woman I married. I became more famous in society for the woman I married.
Many of my frens are now divorced. God and divorce laws bless their souls. I trudge on manfully despite her aging years. Give me some credit folks. You wanna see her pics? Go to my Yahoophotos the URL is there under the revu San Francisco.
Then she became 25, 37, 49 and she lasted out her beauty as if there was no end. I was smaking smart too….but lasted out no longer than age 39!
Before I was married to her, I celebrated her birthday in style…….I dined her on the rooftop of New Hotel Taj, Mumbai way back in 1973. Candle light dinner overseeing the Gateway of India, 26th floor, Rendezvous restaurant, with pianists playing and crooning 2 hrs next to us. Bill? Rs 80/- way back in 1973. With food and flaming French Brandy thrown in mate!
Next bithday I dined her in a brand new revolving restaurant at Bandra Seaface. On my way back to drop her home, my Jawa mobike fuel evaporated! Those days all we could afford was a litre of petrol.
I was a great cartoonist. All my greeting cards were hand drawn. I always made hand drawn cartoon greeting cards which she preserves to this day!
Presents nil…….the kids came too fast. No cards too. Finance a big problem! No gifts except when I went abroad and bought some stuff. But no birthday gifts. My salary was a pittance, I was broke by the 19th of the month most times. My mom sent us money orders so that the kids did not starve.
Sure. Love was always in the air. She raised the kids, they settled big time. She was fancy and footloose by age 40. Kids were like her frens now.
Then the devil in me struck with the fury of a typhoon!
Medini is the name of mah wife. It means “The Earth”. I was 47. My sports life was ending coz of creeking knees.
I switched to golf. And became an addictive lunatic. My wife became a golf widow. Fights fights fights. “No time for your family. You and your frens n ur wiskey and ur golf!”
I was always sensitive to the fact that for 24 long years I gave her NOTHING!
Yes 25th wedding anniv, I fixed a diamond that had fallen off her engagement ring and put that diamond back and reshipped the ring on her finger like I did on the day of my engagement!. That small stone had fallen off some 17 years back. 17 years it took for me to fix that thing! 25 years I gave her nothing of any significance. No kidding.
Then one day 16 Oct 1998, I presented her with a GOLF SET! That stunned her!
She worked hard….and surprise surprise, she was severely addicted to Golf.
One day she played real bad. We were driving back home. She was mad mad mad. She said “Stop!” I stopped. She got off the car. Entered a Maruti(Hanuman Temple) by the roadside. I was mad! Cars behind me honking like crazy.
She came back.
I said “ You crazy woman you made me stop in the middle of the traffic to go to Hanuman temple?”
She said, “ I prayed to Hanumanji . I told him I do not want diamonds, sarees, wealth, nothing. You have given me everything but please give me my last wish in life. Please give me the strength, stamina to play good golf!”
Hanumanji listened. He was amused. He was a good sportsman in his time. He put plenty of power in her golf shots. He gave her KILLER INSTINCTS.
She won 6 prestigious tournaments two years running! With thta came RECOGNITION. She had become someone of SIGNIFICANCE. A few pics in newspapers too.
This year 16th Oct, I gave her a new golf set. Never gave her any gold, diamonds, yes perfumes just once.
So hmmmmmmm. What’s the best present for your wife? Is it the usual stuff that pleases her? Do you need to be imaginative? Can you give her something which will turn her life around in ways unimaginable? Can you get off the beaten track?
I don’t know. I get flashes of ideas. I trusted my instincts….and changed her life forever.
Now I am a golf widower.
She’s swinging!