?Choosing Gifts for your Girl-Friend? - For whom would it not be an interesting topic to write a REVIEW? Undoubtedly, I am now into the process?!
According to me a Girl Friend could just remain to be a lovely, understanding, affectionate GIRL FRIEND to you. Or depending on your relationship and the intimacy, you could both enter into a long-standing relationship, so that, she is ever your understanding partner to share all your glues and blues.
Anyway, now coming on to the topic, I am going to seriously give tips for guys who are planning to choose a good attractive gift for his?Would-be Girl-Friend? or an Existing-Girl-Friend?
? Here they are:
Generally, girls always have a liking for the following:
? Lipsticks
? Bindis(the Indian women)
? Perfumes
? Nail-polishes
? Ganghans(again the Indian girls)
? Beautifully designed watches
? Rings with pretty stone works
? Sandals
The above list could have even been made more longer, but certainly a man can try to choose one among the items listed above to acquire the heart of his loved girl-friend. I am sure that there?s no girl who doesn?t give up for Perfumes & watches. The Indian women always a fancy for these? as far as I know.
A man could ignore choosing lip-sticks / Nail-polish because both these have to be chosen according to the shade of the girl?s skin and the girl may or may not like the man?s choice.
Generally, a man could choose any one among the above items, and could accompany the chosen gift with a musical greeting-card(be sure to choose a pleasant music) and a pretty rose. This is being the general practice among the guys & gals here.
OK, your girl has fallen for you?. Are you very serious about your relationship with her? then please continue to read this revu? or else, you could just quit, with a few tips given.
Here, the general tendency among the guys is that, they keep giving and keep on be giving such carefully chosen gifts for their girl-friend. But once their affair crosses a year or two or probably go on for a longer time, I don?t know if such an attraction really gets reduced or what, while the gifts are continued to be given and once the wedding takes place, they enjoy their life together for about a year sacrificing even the most toughest issues for each other.
Then, comes the real difficult situation among them. The girls start finding the guy to be ignoring her?. although in a few cases the guy though doesn?t exactly ignore his spouse, his same old keen interest on treating his girl does practically reduce. There is absolutely no matter in the world which couldn?t be sorted out by proper discussion? but that doesn?t happen in many cases because of the other commitments or responsibilities of the couple.
Sooner or later, the girl starts complaining too much about her beloved spouse and ends up in depression. The guy at least should have had some consideration for his beloved other half, but he is too?. busy to even understand her grievances. But the same guy would have spent 75% of his bachelor life to think of choosing the right gift to attract the attention of his girl-friend. As an active member of the Great MS, I would inform my MS friends that this is just my practical witnessing of many of my close friends? married life.
So, my sincere recommendation of a real attractive GIFT for your girl-friend is nothing but your everlasting LOVE for her?. Which is the only GIFT of yours that would be really required / desired by your Girl-Friend when she starts her life with you as a Girl-Friend? & go on and on and on until her decease?! But your LOVE could certainly be accompanied initially with the petty unreal articles listed above.
As usual, I am again only going to request you not to forget ur ratings and feedbacks on my review.
Meet you soon in another interesting topic? Mrs. Jayalakshmi Shyam