Gifting to a girlfriend would depend on how well you know her. If it is a first date for example you do not know much about her and flowers might come to mind but suppose she is allergic to flowers? And even if she is not do you know what kind of flowers she likes?
I would suggest a teddy bear. This is something most women like and it is not an overly personal gift.
As you get to know her you will find out her likes and dislikes and then gifting becomes easier.As a rule of thumb never buy her a household item unless she says she wants one. A woman generally would prefer something personal.
Flowers are nice if she is not allergic but know what kind. Some women love roses and some would much prefer daisies. If she does like roses until you know her very well or if it is a special occasion such as a birthday a single rose is enough.
Start simple and work your way up. Say you have been dating 6 months and it is her birthday then by all means give her a dozen roses, if the words I love you have not been said yet then buy another color other than red unless you are trying to say I love you with them.
Now then woman love a day out with the girls or by themselves but do not gift her with a certificate to a beauty salon unless you know for sure it will be taken well. Some women might think they dont look good enough and you want them to go improve themselves.
A gift card to a nice place to eat is always a treat and who knows she just might pick you rather than one of her female friends but if she doesnt it is okay she will still love the gift.
Perfume is a nice gift if she is not allergic to it and you know what fragrance she likes. Women all have different tastes in perfume.
I would not give candy as a gift. Se may be on a diet and if so it would not be appreciated.
You are most always safe with a necklace, watch or something along those lines if you know whether she likes gold or silver.
My advice is to know her really well, observe colors she wears, if she wears a fragrance say how nice it is and what is it? Notice the jewlery she wears and so on.
The best gift I could get would be a day at the mall and let my boyfriend get something I pick out myself but most women prefer to be surprised.
Once on a first date a man brought me a book wrapped up by a local writer as he knew I loved to read. It was a great gift. A plant is also a nice gift in a fancy pot. Just watch and take mental notes and you will come up with the right thing.