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Member Since:Nov 25, 2003
0 MS Points
I have a very close knit family and love spending time with them and my friends. My number one love is God who makes all things possible. Other interests include reading, writing and reading poetry,photography and travel. As for Mouth shut if you are on my trust list you can be sure that I read everything you write. I do not distrust anyone unless they give me good reason. I do not get involved with arguments among other members. Some have asked why my trust list is so large and that is because I love reading the reviews and not everyone writes that often so I have time to keep up with everyone. If a member has been flagged I will remove them from my trust list until the matter is resolved but I continue to read what they write. I would have to say that computers are my first love, from building web pages, to chatting, yahoo groups and even repairing computers. It amazes me after all these years what wonderful knowledge there is to find and such convieance of shopping on line, leaving me more free time for other things. I can't think of too much that can not be done on a computer. Mouth shut is one of my very favorite sites. I have found help with items I wanted to puchase. The main reason I love it is that everyone is so friendly and it is a real community. I love all types of music but country is number one with me and I have a yahoo group for this. I buy many cds, write songs and sing and have sang on stage many times with local bands. I have my own professional studio in my home and spend a lot of time there. I am also learning to play keyboard. I love nature. sunrises, sunsets, rainbows, wild life. These things to me are very beautiful. I love house pets including dogs, cats birds and fish.
About Me
Education: college
Review of the Day (0)
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One womans dream
Reviewed General Tips on Bikes
If your looking for advice on buying a bike you wont find it in this review. What you will find is some dos and not to dos when riding a bikRead more...
It's the thought that counts
Reviewed Choosing Gifts in General
It really isnt what the gift is, or how much it costs. Its the love you put into picking it out. Of course you want to give some thing the person Read more...
Do so with care
Reviewed General Tips on Online Shopping
I just read an excellant review by buddingwriter on this topic which inspired me to write one of my own since I buy online frequently. First of all I would lRead more...
Not my choice
Reviewed Subway - Tolichowki - Hyderabad
We have tons of places to buy subs around here. Most of them range from good to great. I had never tried Subway but my sister loved the place so she talked mRead more...
How well do you know her?
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for Your Girlfriend
Gifting to a girlfriend would depend on how well you know her. If it is a first date for example you do not know much about her and flowers might come to mindRead more...
It's your life, choose carefully
Reviewed Quitting Alcohol
I just read a review on this topic and had not seen it before and this one really hits home. Please remember that what I write is to help those that need helRead more...
Is it real?
Reviewed Dealing with Fear
I have just read Divers review on this topic and ask that you read his also. I found the topic so interesting that I thought I would do my own review onRead more...
Forgive me please
Reviewed HP Laserjet 4100
I have looked at every picture on the list of hp printers in the 4100 series and can not find one that looks exactly like mine so please forgive me if I am plRead more...
Food for thought
Reviewed My Ten Most Favorite Food Items
My ten most favorite foods is hard as I love most anything. The following will not be in order of favorites. Pizza has to be way up on the list. Years ago whRead more...
Getting in shape
Reviewed Tips for Exercise
When I was younger I had a lot more time and energy and played tennis, volleyball, ran track and so on so was in fit condition. Over the years time was lackinRead more...
The language of love
Reviewed Five Best English Love Songs
Music to me goes hand in hand with being in love. Two lovers dancing or simply cuddling and listening to music. Or what greater thrill to have the one you lovRead more...
You are what you eat
Reviewed Useful Healthy Eating Habits
Most people when they get up in the morning are in a rush to get to work, children off to school or whatever the case may be. Because of time they neglect theRead more...
There is more to New York
Reviewed General Thoughts on New York City
I was raised in New York State and lived there about the first 30 years of my life. I was no where near New York City and had always wanted to see it. After Read more...
Common factors
Reviewed Common Sexual Problems
First of all I have been quite busy and am just now catching up reading reviews and saw this category which must be new or I have missed it all this time and Read more...
Reviewed United States - General
Today I am writing my 100th review. I had some time ago decided on what I wanted to write about should I make it this far. I may drift here and there with thRead more...
You'll love to cook
Reviewed Choosing a Cooking Range
I have never before in my life had brand new appliances. I was now in a position to buy them and sice I feel they will last the rest of my life, I bought everRead more...
So many and not enough time
Reviewed Five Best Magazines of the Year
I used to get dozens of magazines a month and never had time to read them all so would stash them away for some day when I had time. Once a year or so I wouldRead more...
How to save money
Reviewed Tips on Saving Money
When choosing a bank, ask a lot of questions and check several banks for your best deal. Some have what they call free checking and although they do not charRead more...
I admit it, I confess
Reviewed Five Favorite Chocolates
I am a chocoholic. If it is chocolate dont put it in front of me as I will eat it all. It comes in dark, light and white and of course can be flavored Read more...
In my humble opinion
Reviewed DialUp Vs. Cable Modem
I used a dial up service on my computer for many years. It was inexpensive at$20.00 us dollars a month and was fast enough to suit me with few problems. PeoplRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Giggi's review
Great review, covered everything it can be used in place of anything that calls for 7 up as far as mixed drinks go
Rated on Giggi's review
Rated on smisbahuddin's review
Commented on own review
thanks for the welcome back. I was sure surprised to see all the changes that had been made to the site. Guess I just had writers block and couldn't think of anything to write about.
Rated on rishabhbansal_15's review
Rated on ketul_shah's review
Rated on sandy_nair's review
Rated on surfer's review
Rated on ktaneja's review
Rated on starwriter_'s review
Rated on GirlNextStore's review
Rated on bhautikjoshi's review
Rated on chinna68's review
Rated on cyberajith's review
Rated on ss_gary's review
Rated on murlee3's review
Rated on vinaymaloo's review
Rated on aerodevil007's review
Rated on zuludancing's review
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Ganesh S (@Gani_2912MouthShut Verified Member)
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