Hey ...
this is my first review on ms and I am amateurish so I hope it comes out good.
i did some research on all the cel-phone plans and I came down to cingular and T-mobile as they both offered text messaging to cel-phones to india. I considered the minutes offered, roaming, messaging cost and the service offered.
For 29.99 per month T-mobile offered me 300 mins and free weekends while cingular offered 300 mins and 5000 choice mins so I thought both of them were pretty much good or rather cingular was better.
Then came text messaging. T-mobile charges 5c a message while cingular charges 10c. and with T-mobile if u pay an additional $2.99 u get 300 free messages in addition to the 50 free messages already offered with any plan and u also get free use of internet (1MB per month).
I asked friends some of whom had the cingular while some had T-mobile and the T-mobile customers had far less complaints as far as the network was concerned. T-mobile sometimes even works in the subway also (I think Nextel is the best of all but its expensive ).
T-mobile charges less for the same phones as compared to Cingular when u select the phone in the beginning.
So I went for T-mobile. I even got a cash back of $175 over a period of 4 months and I had a commitment of 1 year (as compared to 2 years asked by Cingular). I saved a lot of money and got great service and NO REGRETS.