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Member Since:Jul 20, 2003
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. internet, Dentistry, novels-mostly fiction. shopping or rather bargain hunting (try me and i m sure to save some money )
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Education: graduate
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An okie book......
Reviewed Chamber, The - John Grisham
John Grisham has written some wonderful books, The Chamber I would say is not one of them. The story It is a story is about a new lawyer who defends a membeRead more...
Reviewed Roja
Mani-ratnam, who undoubtedly is an excellent film maker, was at his best, in this movie. His good work started even before he made the movie, when he decided Read more...
Are you ready for it
Reviewed Weight Reduction Programme
GOOD AND HEALTHY EATING HABITS.Its so easy to talk about them but when it comes to sustaining good eating habits, its a tough job. We all give way to our inneRead more...
<b> Bad boys 2 is GOOOOD <b>
Reviewed Bad Boys II
Thrilling...Drama......Hilarious....TOTAL FUN Will Smith and Martin Lawrence do a wonderful job in this comic film. There are numerous unrealistic scenes, buRead more...
Immortal memoirs...YEH JEEVAN HAI
Reviewed Koi Humdum Na Raha - Kishore Kumar
Yeh Jeevan Hai Iss Jeevan Ka Yehi Hai Yehi Hai Yehi Hai Rangroop Thode Gham Hai Thodi Khushiyan (2) Yehi Hai Yehi Hai Yehi Hai Chhaon Dhoop Yeh Jeevan HaRead more...
Good Teeth Good health
Reviewed Oral Care
TEETH - A very commonly neglected part of the body(especially if one doesnt have a dental insurance).Taking care of them doesnt ask for a lot, but for many peRead more...
Its about time u started using an interdental bru
Reviewed Oral B Inter Dental Toothbrush
If you ask 10 people whether they use an interdental brush especially in India, chances are all of them would say : AN INTERDENTAL BRUSH !!WHATS THAT ? In USARead more...
CINGULAR ---- no good
Reviewed Cingular Mobile Operator
Hey ... this is my first review on ms and I am amateurish so I hope it comes out good. i did some research on all the cel-phone plans and I came down to cinRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on teenanani's review
heyy teena,,,,, i hv been a great admirer of syd sheldon since a long time and ur review does complete justice to him...if he read it he would be proud of himself.... rgds brij
Rated on teenanani's review
Commented on lavagopal's review
ur article reminded me of the good old school days when i was obsessed with Amar Chitra katha and Indrajal comics...... It bought back some fond memories of past... thank u brij
this is the first time i read ur review and it seems u have reached a high level of standards in writing reviews......but i did think that ur title, debatable wasnt appropriate. Ur review was heavily in favour of them..........
Commented on friendandfriend's review
heyy rahul..... nice formatting and the best thing in case of emergency about deciding a gift for someone...... brijesh
Commented on angel25's review
hey angel ...... CC has long been one of my favourite films but its the first time i read something about it and it made me laugh...u wrote with ur heart and reading it was as if i was watching the movie (though the film is much longer) great..keep it up
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