Please read my email communication with Great Robber Citibank
Dear CitiBank Cards Please find more innovative and creative methods of robbing card holders. I am ashamed of being a Citibank cardholder for so many years. My card No is_ [Not displayed for security reasons]
I have received a statement today showing an outstanding for the month of June - payment due on 14th July 2007. I have made a payment of Rs_ on 9 July 2007 for a due date on 14 July alongwith the attached coupon How do you have the nerve to charge me Late interest charge of Rs 1340; Late Payment Fee of Rs 600; and service tax of Rs 241.66 when I have deposited my cheque dated 9 July 2007, cheque no._ drawn on Bank of_, _, on 10th July 2007; 4 days before due date If you have not encahsed the cheque, that is Citibanks incompetence, inefficiency and callous attitude;
Why should I pay for your incompetence I warn you of dire consequences of taking this issue to Consumer court, Banking ombudsman, Reserve Bank of India and the Print Media, If you do not cancel this late interest, late payment and service tax and reverse this statement alongwith an apology letter by 6th August 2007. Dont think that all card holders are fools waiting to be robbed by you I am not making any payments to you until I receive the statement reversal and apology letter. I am sick of your attitude to rob and make money through this attitude. Should you want to have any further discussion, which I dont feel merits any discussion; you can call me at_ K SRINIVASAN