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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Sep 28, 2006
0 MS Points
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Avoid Fraud and Scamster Tolexo
Reviewed Tolexo
Tolexo is a fraud. They will take your order, bank your money but will not deliver the product. They will also not send you an order status, etc, etc. WritinRead more...
Cyankart is a Fraud... Avoid
Reviewed Cyankart
Cyankart is a fraud. They will bank your money but will not deliver the product, they will not send you an order status, etc, etc. Writing to them is like baRead more...
Most Unresponsive Vehicle Dealer in India
Reviewed Tafe Access - Chennai
TAFE Access Chennai [803, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002] will qualify and win hands down if ever there was an award for the most unresponsive and most customer uRead more...
Reviewed General Tips on Buying a Car
FRAUDULENT PRACTICES OF VEHICLE DEALERS NEW CAR BUYERS SHORTCHANGED BETWEEN RS 5000 TO RS 15000 I would like to bring to your attention the fraudulent practRead more...
Reviewed Choosing a Car Dealer
Reviewed Citibank
Please read my email communication with Great Robber Citibank Dear CitiBank CardsPlease find more innovative and creative methods of robbing card holders. I Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on apurvanarang590's review
Commented on chinna68's article
SRI VASAVI MOBILES - CHEATS AND CROOKS Sri Vasavi Mobile is a Cheat. Avoid that shop like plague. Their owner Rajesh is a crook. They strip all parts of a system / product and then sell it to guillible consumers. Their usual story while selling is some accessories that are supposed to be part of the Read More...
SRI VASAVI MOBILES - BUNCH OF CHEATS ANG ROGUES Sri Vasavi Mobile is a Cheat. Avoid that shop like plague. Their owner Rajesh is a crook. They strip all parts of a system / product and then sell it to guillible consumers. Their usual story while selling is some accessories that are supposed to be pa Read More...
Commented on bkilyas's review
FRAUDULENT PRACTICES OF VEHICLE DEALERS NEW CAR BUYERS SHORTCHANGED BETWEEN RS 5000 TO RS 15000 I would like to bring to your attention the fraudulent practice of all vehicle dealers across India in cheating new car buyers. All buyers of new vehicle across India are short changed between Rs Read More...
Commented on bkbeekay's review
Commented on bhupinderjhajj's review
Commented on martian1323's review
Commented on krishnamjc's review
Commented on warmdoc's review
Commented on aniketi's review
Commented on drramji's review
Commented on engg75's review
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Commented on tarik_in's review
Commented on Vijaygop's review
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