COPIED FROM GMAIL GROUP :Anticipatory Bail petition has been applied for Geeta and Seema Razzaki inSessions Court, Mumbai. The first hearing is tomorrow at 11am, court room number 30 in Sessions Court.
Secondly, a media conference and a investors summit has been arranged in Azad Maidan on Dec 2nd and 2pm. We have obtained the required police permissions.
Please spread the news everywhere, start making banners etc. This is our one and only chance left to make some noise about this scandal. In this battle, so far Masood seems to be taking the lead.
The transfer petitions filed in Supreme Court ask for all cases to be transferred to Hyderabad. We do not know the reason behind this, but most likely there is some setting done in HYD with govt authorities and politicians. Can an HYD investors look into this and report back? It is confirmed that Masood is known criminal, so we are fighting against a
ex- convict.
Guys, This is the only chance we have to place before the people and authorities as a National
issue. Lets do our bit.